Nomination Committee/Nominations Instructions
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
If you would like to nominate someone for a position (or self-nominate), please send your nomination to When nominating someone, please include their name, email address, the position you are nominating them for, and a brief statement about why you support their nomination (1-2 sentences is sufficient).
Nominees will be asked to provide a bio and statement of interest for the position that includes why they are interested in being part of ESIP’s Leadership. The Nomination Committee recommends that candidate statements include:
- ESIP Partner Org that the candidate affiliated with
- Leadership positions previously held (ESIP and other)
- Prior/current ESIP involvement
- Why candidate participates in ESIP
- What person feels they can bring to the position
See the roles and descriptions page for more information about elected ESIP positions.