Minutes from AQ Cluster Session
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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July 19, 2006 1:30 - 3pm
Powerpoint slides by Stefan Falke
- Introduction: Cluster has met 4 times. This meeting has an emphasis on collaborating between sessions.
- Cluster brings together different groups of people (data providers to users)
- Cluster Database
- Cluster contributor to Earth Information Exchange
- Pilot Project
- Collaboration and identify areas of overlap.
- Wiki: Air_Quality_Cluster
- Cluster background
- Cluster Summary - Bold items are in the cluster database. (If your name isn't on this list under Federation Participans and should be you can edit the wiki.) This is also a "container" and it should be added to by this group.
- Resources - Meetings, presentations. Place for collecting resources.
- Interactions facilitated by the ESIP AQ Cluster - Discussion of each of the listings.
- Europeans using ESIP wiki for a temporary neutral space to work on naming conventions
- Cluster resource available and again it's editable by the entire community.
- Earth Information Exchange on Geospatial One Stop Demonstration (gen login:esipfed/pw: discover)
- Wildfire application - provides page where domain specific applications can be highlighted.
- Question Martha Maiden - vision of portal?
- Stefan Falke - Work on describe and register the applications on portal and use EIE to highlight the ones that are AQ relevant. EIE another view/perspective to GOS or other catalog, simpler interface. Provide a jumping point to different applications ("mash-ups")
- Question Brian Wilson - Technical limitations with portal?
- A portal (GOS or other) should avoid heirarchical structure
- A single portal cannot accommodate all data/service needs. Multiple portals can coexist. Challenge is how to connect those portals.
- Frank Lindsay - What does it mean to create an air quality portal? Multiple portals doesn't necessarily mean redundancy but each portal comes from a different perspectives for a different set of users. Create portal for pool AQ resources. AirNOW example of collaboration of interagency work delivering near-realtime data. Suggesed Cluster for a team to interact with NTO air quality portal group lead by Martha Maiden
- Steve Young - Common air quality portal from federal agencies, in order to avoid duplication. Are there ways to engage air quality community with things more visible to people (ala GoogleEarth)? The Air Quality Portal is viewed as a Community of Practice for US GEO. It's aim is to create a common air quality portal from federal agencies, in order to avoid duplication. AirNow.gov is good example of a portal, but some ESIP members has been doing cutting edge technologies, even better than what have been done in government agencies. Are there ways to engage ESIP members? How to connect air quality and public health communities of practice? Suggested opportunity for cluster members to partner with State/Tribal organizations.
- Dick - ESIP is first with NASA as member and later outreach to NOAA, and then EPA bridge gap between different technologies. ESIP has been evolving from project-based to broad, diversity interest, for example, supercomputing centers fill gap of technology.
- Steve Kempler, Goddard DAAC - google-like search interface "Exploring the Earth Science Data with Giovanni" demonstrated by A-Train Data Depot (ATDD)