March 4, 2010
Water Cluster telecon – March 4, 2010
- William Sonntag
- Brian Rogan
- Carol Meyer
- Bruce Bargemeyer
- Rob Raskin
- Chuck Spooner
- Will Pozzi
- Jami Montgomery
- Christine Eggers
- Phil Yang
Review of last call
Notes are posted on the wiki from 2/4 call
Status AIP 3 Process
The group completed a general review of the status of the GEOSS AIP-3 call. Bill went over the responses that have come in up to this point at the website
There was discussion about what area of interest might be appropriate for ESIP Water Cluster group member submission.
The Gulf of Maine was identified by EPA as an area of current interest.
It was also noted that there is international interest from Europe and the Ecoinformatics group may submit something as a joint venture.
Will Pozzi gave an overview of what is expected for responses.
There is no need to put anything out quickly. They will be accepting responses throughout the whole year.
Will explained why the Chesapeake shouldn’t be considered as a use case.
Semantic data architecture - use case template
There is a use case template that is already available on the ESIP wiki.
Bill asked for a small group that could fill out a couple of use cases on the template. This would entail a weekly telecon that would complete the process and then report out to the larger cluster group.
Bill will spend some more time on the template to determine a course of action.
Development of Topics for ESIP Summer meeting
The summer meeting is July 20-23 in Knoxville, TN. The group needs to think about what we want to do during the meeting.
Carol gave the group an overview of how the meeting would work. It is important that the group determine what it will need for space requirements, etc.
The template is posted and it can be filled in as ideas area created.
This should be an opportunity for EPA to highlight some areas.
The assembly of data within the community is difficult. Is a community of practice the idea location to bring these questions?
There are a number of individuals that would be able to contribute to the discussion. The group will work on topic development
Other topics suggested by participants
There were no other suggested topics at this time.
Meeting was adjourned at 4 PM