March 2017

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

March 2017 telecon notes

Emily Law, President
Christine White, Vice President
Helen Conover, Chair, Finance
Mike Daniels, Chair, Governance
Matt Mayernik, Chair, Data Stewardship
Shelley Olds, Chair, Education
Rich Signell, Chair, IT & I
Soren Scott, Chair, Products and Services
Beth Huffer, Chair, Semantic Technologies
Others on the call: Annie B., Bruce C.,


Working notes are on a Google Doc on the Program Committee Slack channel: [1]
Review of February Notes
February notes were accepted.

President's Report

JPL ESIP seminar: A 2 hour event was held on February 22 to showcase presentations made at the ESIP 2017 Winter meeting. The audience was primarily Earth Science data system technologists. Emily gave an introduction and overview of ESIP, followed by several talks given by various JPLers who attended the meeting and gave oral or poster presentations at the meeting.
ESIP response to NSF RFI on Future Needs for Advanced Cyberinfrastructure: Response must be submitted by April 5. Loomio and google doc are being used to draft and discuss a collective response. Draft was due March 10. Next step is for staff to synthesize for review before submission.
The draft will be circulated to the Program Committee. Rich Signell noted that sometimes these collaborative efforts are biased toward those people who have the time to participate. This is an issue that is integral to volunteer organizations. Emily Law encouraged the Program Committee members to step up and participate. Program Committee members are charged to reach out to ESIP members to add their views to this document. Christine and Emily are leading this up.
ESIP Board Meeting: First 2017 ESIP Board Meeting was held on March 2. Board officers were elected: Chair-Emily; Treasurer-Helen; Secretary-Christine. Financial report included a successful FY16 audit. Nomination Committee was approved (Chair-Tracey Pilone, Sophie Hou, Doug Fils, Karl Benedict, Pat Leahy). Near term focus: ESIP policies, processes and procedures.

Kudos: new ESIP website looks great.

Staff Report

Board meeting - staff report

Program Committee Reports

Data Stewardship - Committee plan draft
Matt reported on the draft of the strategic plan. Data management training will be ongoing. Other activities will be updated. Question: There has been a discussion of committee members writing a response to efforts of “data rescue”. There is an interest in creating a document to help people who are planning these activities to do so in a more informed and useful manner. Emily noted that ESIP is apolitical. Members can have a voice. If this document is to be an “ESIP” document, then it should be offered to the Program Committee and potentially to the Board for approval. Matt responded that the committee might simply inform members who would want to write such a document independently to do so without an ESIP imprimatur. Mike noted that data rescue efforts could use this information. Emily noted that strategic plans should also map to the ESIP strategic plan. Matt had a committee budget question about supporting speakers for the meeting. Annie noted that historically travel support was for plenary speakers. Helen noted that committees put their budget requests in the fall, and some include funding for invited speakers. A plan is being envisioned to use available funds to support some travel for break-out speakers.


Shelley introduced the implementation plan and the activities of the committee. The Out 2 lunch videos are available on YouTube. The Summer ed workshop will include teachers working with drones for their classrooms. Shelley noted that the committee “membership” is a concern, since the listserv is large, but the number of people on a call is relatively small. The Policies and Procedures Document might want to capture how committees can justify decision-making. In terms of accepting new people to join a list-serv, Emily noted that ESIP is an open community. Christine noted that every person needs to adhere to the ESIP code of conduct. Each community member is as active as they want to be.
NOTE: We need to work on a process to report someone who violates the code of conduct.

Tech Dive Webinar Series
Rich: An ESRI person (Christine) talked about Story Maps. This is an enriched interactive experience. The call had more than 40 people. The next presentation is about big data on the Amazon Cloud.

Products & Services
Prepping for the next iteration of FUNding Friday in Bloomington
Soren: The visioneers call in April will be updating the FUNding Friday event and updating to the ESIP Lab.

Semantic Technology
Beth reports: The ontology portal evaluation is still being made. The use cases will support a semantic technology roadmap. The committee is working with the drone cluster and data analytics cluster on use cases that could use semantic technologies. Some new demonstrations of how semantic technologies can help are being planned. Beth Huffer will be at the RDA Plenary representing ESIP and the committee.


Ready to finalize these process docs, pending final review by 2017 FiCom

  • Budget Cycle
  • Committee Budget Request Policy
  • Special Projects RFP

Plan for this year is to establish travel funding policy and reporting requirements for funded travel Helen reports: The past year the FiCom has been working on new documents outlining budgets and budget cycles. Travel funding is under discussion. Emily noted that the audit came back clean. Christine thanked the staff for the new, nimble accounting capabilities.

Held first telecon on March 2, notes here.
Elected Vice-Chair (Ana Privette)
Set dates and times for next telecons through July
Established a timeline for creating a new ESIP Policies and Procedures document
Next call April 17
Mike reported on the activities: looking for a draft of the P&P document by the Summer ESIP meeting. It will be a busy time! Committee chairs will be asked to check their sections of the document.
Other collaboration area highlights?

Other Business
Program Committee Charter
Program Committee 2017 Plan
Success stories

“How to talk about ESIP” ideas and how to grow ESIP ambassadors
How to document ESIP success stories - there is a technical and programmatic effort. As easy as tagging posts with #esipfed or some other hashtag, but then what do we do all the tagged content, where do we consolidate that, is that how we want to proceed with capturing success stories - let's think about this NOAA has some existing framework resources on this, EarthCube is also using NOAA's work on this.