Making the Case for Data Stewardship Use Cases: A Community Building and Engagement Exercise
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Project Submitted By: Denise Hills, Geological Survey of Alabama and Sarah Ramdeen, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Extending the current ESIP Data Stewardship community to include people from all points in the data life cycle
- Promote ESIP to a more diverse community, in line with ESIP’s overall mission
- Create interdisciplinary connections
- Achieve synergy in data management practice
- Submit a proposal for a Town Hall meeting at the Fall 2013 AGU meeting
- Submit two abstracts to an Informatics session - one focused on broad purpose and need for Data Stewardship Use Cases, the second focused more specifically on a particular Use Case
- Presentations would be used to promote the Town Hall, or to follow up on the Town Hall discussions
- If the Town Hall were not accepted, the presentations would still serve the meet the outlined goals.
- Broader community involvement the ESIP Data Stewardship Committee
- Increase the knowledge base of Data Stewardship standards and practices by including more stake-holders
- Potential publication (e.g., in EOS) of results of the Town Hall