L Wyborn Statement
I have a long history in the Earth sciences working both as a research geoscientist and a data scientist in Australia and Internationally in both the government and academic sectors.
My current interests are on enabling in situ analytics and in generating High Performance Data sets that can be programmatically accessed in real time anywhere, without the need to download locally and spend endless frustrating hours munging and reformatting the data into coherent datasets that can then be analysed. I believe that Earth, space and environment sciences are global and that when it comes to developing standards and infrastructures to enable real time programmatic access to data then yes, one should work local, but think Global! That is the development of standards, data models and ontologies that enable FAIR and easy sharing of data should be a global activity wherever possible but must allow for local/regional variations.
In the last year or so, I have been active in Australia with a group who are forming the Earth and Environmental Science Information Partners (E2SIP) Down Under. What we hope to do is leverage some of the excellent work that is being done in the ESIP community in the US for Australian projects and at the same time, bring some Australian initiatives to the ESIP community for sharing. I see bringing the Australian perspective into ESIP as the start of sharing globally the excellent work that has been achieved by the US ESIP community.
I have been/is involved in international informatics projects for a long time, including IGSN, OneGeology, GeoSciML, Oceans Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP) and the Belmont Forum. I am currently Chair of the Australian Academy of Science ‘National Committee for Data in Science’ and am co-chair of the ESIP/RDA Earth Space and Environmental Sciences Interest Group. I am on the AGU Executive Committee for the Earth and Space Sciences Informatics Section and have been on ESSI Fall Meeting Program Committee. I am also on the Advisory Board Member for the AGU’s Data Programs. In 2014 I was awarded the Australian Government Public Service Medal for long-term contributions to the management of Australian Public Sector Geoscience Research Data and in 2015 the Geological Society of America Geoinformatics Career Achievement Award.