Karen Moe Candidate Statement 2021
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Candidate for At-Large ESIP Board Member
Karen L. Moe, Retired, Nominee for Member-at-Large, ESIP Board
Candidate Statement: As a former Board member, I am honored to submit my candidate statement for ESIP Board member-at-large. The current leadership team did a phenomenal job responding to the many challenges of 2020 and continued effort is needed to sustain the forward progress. If elected I would be happy to contribute my time and insights to support ESIP’s goals and activities, and continue growing the ESIP organization’s contributions to the earth science community.
Bio: As a former NASA employee I am pleased to have been associated with the Earth Science Information Partners from its very beginnings, when NASA was exploring how to best involve diverse science user communities in the management and use of NASA’s vast data and information systems during the early days of the Earth Observing System. My NASA career focused on evolving data systems technology that would help NASA and society benefit from the growing archives of remote sensing data. It has been very rewarding to see the ESIP Federation evolve and grow. Since retiring in 2015, my continued participation in ESIP has been co-chairing the Disasters Lifecycle cluster. In 2017 I joined the ESIP Board as member at large and served through 2019. At the time a NASA Goddard emeritus, and former president of the AGU Earth and Space Science Informatics interest group, my focus areas included strengthening the ESIP-AGU collaboration (including the joint Charles Falkenberg Award), recommending paths for sharing the ESIP collaboration model internationally, and supporting the 5-year planning cycle. Also during this time the Disasters Lifecycle cluster had a successful collaboration with the All Hazards Consortium (AHC) resulting in the development of an ESIP Operational Readiness Level framework for identifying data for rapid decision making, now used in the AHC Sensitive Information Sharing Environment for utilities’ disaster response operations.