June 2017
June 2017:
Members (BOLD means they were on the call)
Emily Law, President
Christine White, Vice President
Helen Conover, Chair, Finance
Danie Kinkade, Chair, Partnership
Mike Daniels, Chair, Governance
Matt Mayernik, Chair, Data Stewardship
Shelley Olds, Chair, Education
Rich Signell, Chair, IT & I
Tracey Pilone, Chair, Nominations
Soren Scott, Chair, Products and Services
Beth Huffer, Chair, Semantic Technologies
Others on the call: Bruce Caron
Approval of Minutes : Christine Moved, Shelley Seconded.
President’s Report
Many ESIP members attended the EarthCube All-Hands Meeting held in Seattle, WA Jun 7-9. ESIP was mentioned in many talks and discussions. The EarthCube initiative is going into a mode where it needs to produce results, particularly in the area of resource discovery. Some of the ESIP work can be leveraged.
Staff Report
NASA proposal submitted
ESIP represented at NOAA NCEI-Boulder, West Big Data Hub All-Hands, Environmental Data Symposium in Australia, PREP quarterly partner meeting, USGS Community for Data Integration Meeting
Summer Meeting schedule posted
PROV Challenge - Please share and contribute!
Erin/AB in Asheville for meeting at Collider and visit with NCEI-Asheville
Preparations for the Sloan-funded Academy Commons Patterns charrette are underway.
Bruce will be attending the 3rd Narrative Summit in San Francisco next week. Looking for new ways to tell ESIP stories.
Annie K working on logistics of ESIP Summer meeting and thanks you all for completing your travel.
Travel from IND to Bloomington: Sign-up to share a Lyft or space in your rental car using the Carpool and Ride Share Signup Sheet: https://www.groupcarpool.com/t/o6e2bw
Classic Touch Limousine Service: 812-339-0082
Go Express Travel Bloomington Shuttle: 800-589-6004
Star of America Airport Shuttle: 800-933-0097
Committee Reports
Data Stewardship
“Supporting science means supporting data” - Opinion paper submitted to EOS
Data Management Training working group initiated (Nancy H. chair).
Possible collaboration with GEO (Bob Downs is leading this).
Products & Services
Request for Governance to provide procedures for decommissioning a “formal” program committee (not a cluster). Governance can recommend to the Program Committee that the Policies and Procedures document can be amended to eliminate the Committee (for the policy, see 1.3 Corporate Organization, section 6.1.6). If the Program Committee votes in favor of amending the document, then the committee’s section is deleted (and with it the committee).
Had a great talk on how to install JupyterHub on the cloud using Kubernetes Helm. Perfect for training and education, or for supporting shared, scalable research environment for a group or organization.
Preparing for summer workshops (Using Recreational Drones for STEM Explorations Workshop (three half-day sessions) @ Earth Educator Rendezvous is a go! 33 participants)() (Drones, Data, and the Great American Eclipse Workshop (one day) @ ESIP summer meeting)
“Got a Drone, Try this” - UCAR & ESIP in contract discussions. In progress.
Development of survey to ESIP members (ESIP-All, slack) to identify top-level education resource page is in progress
Out 2 Lunch talk on "Solar Eclipse 101 - Tools for Teaching & Watching the August Solar Eclipse safely" has 60 views thus far - the highest of the spring Out to Lunch series. https://youtu.be/oCSVQDtpsQw
Semantic Tech
Time to put out the RFP for annual committee budgets
Please take a look at process documents posted for review to ESIP Policies & Procedures folder. Next steps for these?
Last meeting held on June 5th. Governance Docs are coming along: Mike has a few remaining tasks to complete and the group is verifying consistency of the current draft of the Policies and Procedures vis a vis the Bylaws. The group recommended placing these documents in the ESIP GitHub repository. The committee is looking to pass a set of Policies and Procedures to the Board later this month (BC).
A draft policy template was created for Committees/Working Groups/Clusters.
Raskin Scholar awarded (Caren Remillard)
Began document to draft objectives of a membership survey related to membership services and satisfaction
Need to invite three NASA DAACs to become type I members (Bruce created invitation, Danie needs to send)
Began drafting internal procedures doc for membership, to be linked to gov. as appropriate
Update on vote - don’t have update on that yet.
Other Business
Discovery Cluster OpenSearch Best Practices
Please review and be ready to vote on sending this to the Assembly by the next PC Call.
Add your comments/questions to the Google Doc. Emily will ping Doug to pay attention and respond to comments.
Product listing
Staff is looking for an optimal WordPress template (magazine format) to display these products.
Looking for volunteers to help out with website parameters and processes.
Stories update - Visioneers notes, general Stories Initiatives notes
Two (related) Initiatives at Summer Meeting: 1) Video Room, 2) Story Slack Channel + Prize Giveaway
Stories can then be curated into ESIP blog as appropriate
“What are the top 3 questions we should ask to lead to a story that you’d like to hear…”? We can mine the new member interviews from the past.