Interoperability Outline
Very Generic - What's available
WHat can we do to help process
How can we show interoperability works
3 Activities (function)
1. Collected Resources
2. Extension-Development of standards
3. Interoperability demonstrations
4. Catalog of interoperable datasets
Environment of these activities:
- Each activity is being pursued independently by multiple organizations
- social well-behaved "cloud fishing" from all different sources and put collection on CF convention also put subset of view to air quality
Constraints of these activities: - To be applied to specific application domain (e.g. model intercomparison, satellite data)
- Impossible to have self-registration to track all resources. Closest we can get is if the community tracks
- We have to make extensions that satisfy our needs, can share whole process with CF
- inter-cyber-national- neutrality
everything should be considered as a part of something else
Product: Leads to "good" of interoperability and ability to network through standards
- Can apply to model intercomparison, interop. between observational data,
Start with data access services to find "valves" where data can come from