Interagency Data Stewardship/LifeCycle/Preservation Forum/TeleconNotes/2017-04-17meetingnotes
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Meeting Notes - Data Stewardship Committee - 2017-04-17 2 p.m. EST / 12 p.m. MST / 11 a.m. PT
- Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
- You can also dial in using your phone.
- United States: +1 (408) 650-3123
- Access Code: 453-694-565
Attendees: Matt Mayernik, Sophie Hou, Shelley Stall, Ruth Duerr, Rama, Bruce Caron, Paul Lemieux, Jamie Collins, Heather Brown, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, David Moroni, Mark Parsons, Bob Downs, Shannon Leslie
1) ESIP Program Committee update
- Main agenda item has been preparing for all hands Summer Meeting
- Also: Travel support is available to support speakers for the meeting (although deadline has already passed for the 2017 meeting in Bloomington)
2) Conference reports
- 2017 RDA Plenary
- Ruth: Attended virtually; included session for new group (Preservation Tools, Techniques, and Policies Interest Group -
- Objective: Gathering & aggregating list of repository software
- Ultimately: Produce a registry of tools
- Rama: Whatever comes of it will be of interest to our committee; hopefully some of us can provide input (see web link)
- Matt heard from attendees that our Data Rescue document was a hot topic at the meeting
- Rama: Invited speaker (Michael Diepenbroek, co-chair of RDA’s "Fitness for use" WG) at upcoming Information Quality Cluster telecon (Tuesday May 9, 11 AM EDT) will be talking about some RDA-related topics; might be of interest to DS cluster folks
- EGU 2017: At least one person (Mark Parsons) plans to attend
- Sophie: Reports that she, Nancy and Shelley have been invited to a meeting hosted by Belmont Forum to discuss how to develop training/education for data-related skills
- Other members from the Data Stewardship Committee might also have been invited.
3) Data Management Training - Working Group Proposal
- Discussion
- Nancy:
- Thanked everyone for support of the initiative. Will add comments she received from Rama and others to the scoping document.
- The new status (if approved) will make it easier to obtain funding for projects such as improvements to the DMT Clearinghouse (via hiring of a Drupal engineer)
- Only real potential downside: The more formal Working Group status will commit the participants to a specific (two year) time frame for project completion
- Bruce: Budgets for WGs go through their parent committees
- Some funding discussion ensued; Nancy described some previous/current DMT activities
- Sophie: We really have two project needs: (1) Technical maintenance/development of the Clearinghouse Drupal infrastructure, and (2) development of new training content for the Clearinghouse
- The WG status might help provide a pipeline for funding of (1), while (2) will be a more involved, ongoing task
- Vote on proposal
- Matt solicited any objections to the proposal; none were heard
- Nancy moved to make the DMT Working Group a formal Working Group of the DS Committee in accordance with the statement of work document
- Rama seconded the move
- A voice vote was conducted; the proposal passed unanimously by a voice vote of those present on the call!
4) Summer meeting submissions
- Matt: Submitted two sessions:
- DS business meeting
- Business meeting session will focus on implementing some of the ideas in the Strategic Plan
- Session for discussion/brainstorming on Data Rescue
- Sophie:
- Proposed a panel that will review various trust repository implementations
- Also (with Usability), another session focusing on the RMap tool
- Usability Cluster will also hold a “workathon” on how to solicit users for evaluation, how to design tasks, etc
- DMT Clearinghouse will be presented as a use case
- Rama: Two sessions from Information Quality Cluster, focus will be on how uncertainty is characterized, conveyed, and presented for various data products; will have a plenary with invited speakers and a break-out discussion session
- Ruth: Two sessions
- Reprise of session from last meeting, which aims to connect researchers with various tools - have picked a set of 6 new ones and is working on ensuring they can attend
- Ruth is now an Al Gore-certified Climate Reality Leader!
- Will have a workshop/session showcasing some tools for teachers & educators
- Shelley: Will co-convene a panel session with Karl Benedict on institutional support (or lack thereof) for data management and warehousing required by research grants
- Bruce: DS cluster needs to update our poster for the summer meeting; due by COB 26 June (Jamie will take lead on this)
5) ESIP/data center response to "data rescue" project
- Has been published as a blog entry:
- Matt thanked Bruce for assistance in getting the document posted on the ESIP blog
- Feedback/reactions
- Rama: Nice article. Could consider publishing as an Opinion piece on AGU's Eos
- AltMetrics
- Matt:
- Was on a call with EDGI members (EDGI has been organizing some of the data rescue initiatives which have been in the news recently); said having the document (and all the expertise embodied therein) to reference during the call was excellent
- Also, the feedback (mentioned earlier in call) from RDA
- May 8-9: There will be an invite-only data rescue event in DC; get in touch with Matt if interested & he will forward names to the organizers
- Ruth reports that the Data Conservancy (an ESIP member) will be well represented
- Boulder data rescue focus will be on really old NASA data but other communities are interested in other data
- Some good (and spirited) discussion on whether we ought to try publishing the document elsewhere (EOS? a more mainstream publication?)