Interagency Data Stewardship/LifeCycle/Preservation Forum/TeleconNotes/2016-11-21meetingnotes
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Meeting Agenda and Notes - DS Committee - 2016-10-17 2PM EDT
- Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
- You can also dial in using your phone.
- United States: +1 (408) 650-3123
- Access Code: 453-694-565
Attendees: Justin Goldstein, Rama, Ruth Duerr, Corinna Gries, Shannon Leslie, Shelley Stall, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Denise Hills, Paul Lemieux, Madison Langseth, Vicky Wolf, Bruce Caron, Sophie Hou
0) Announcement - Justin
- December monthly meeting is canceled.
1) PCCS Updates - Rama
- Notes:
- PCCS = Provenance and Context Content Standard.
- Additional background information can be found under the Data Stewardship Committee’s wiki page:
- At NASA, gathering provenance and context information for missions has been a practice since 2011.
- In Europe, similar documentation and practices have also been developed.
- Committee on Earth Observation Satellites ( and ISO are two additional groups that had been interested in developing consistent mechanisms/standards for recording provenance and context information (e.g. ISO19165).
- Rama has been involved in these activities to ensure the lessons learned and recommendations are shared and communicated among the different organizations.
- A meeting of the TC 211 Plenary and the various Working Groups will be held in Redlands, CA during Nov. 28-Dec. 2. Rama will be a part of a breakout of a working group that will discuss extensions to ISO19165 “Geographic information – Preservation of digital data and metadata”, and will propose a PCCS-related extension.
- Question: Where can we find the ISO19165 document?
- Answer: Rama will help in providing the document to the Committee, and Sophie will help in making sure the document is linked to the meeting notes.
- POST_MEETING NOTE - Rama sent the Committee Draft to the esip-preserve mailing list.
2) "Identify Everything" Paper Updates - Justin
- Notes:
- The paper is intended to be a follow-up paper to Duerr et al. ( from 2011.
- Justin, Rama, and Matt Mayernik have since submitted a practice paper to Data Science Journal Special Issue: 20 Years Persistent Identifiers, and Justin will provide the reviewers’ decision.
- Justin would like to encourage everyone who is interested in the topic to continue considering to contribute papers on behalf of the ESIP Data Stewardship Committee.
3) Sessions at ESIP Winter Meeting
- Draft schedule for the Winter Meeting is now available:
- Ruth would like to help in promoting the “New platforms and techniques for strengthening ties between observations and user communities” session ( as it will follow up work from five years ago.
- Justin has not submitted Data Stewardship Committee Report Out/Planning sessions, in order to allow everyone to be able to attend other meetings.
- Denise would like to remind us that as a committee, we might be required to provide a face-to-face meeting at the Winter/Summer Meetings. Denise also thinks it would be a great opportunity for the Committee to attract new members.
- Nancy recommended that everyone who is part of the Committee to advertise for the Committee in his/her individual meetings.
- Rama and Ruth both agreed.
- Bruce also suggested that the meeting does not need to be 90 minutes in order to meet the bylaw requirements.
- Ruth commented that she thinks having the meeting once a year (probably at Summer Meeting) would be helpful.
- Denise thought it might also be a great way to find opportunities to collaborate with other Committees and Clusters.
- Nancy, Madison, and Sophie all second Ruth and Denise’s suggestion to meet once a year and consider other meeting formats, such as lunch get-together or end-of-day activity.
4) Sessions at AGU
- Denise noted that all the panels are not available. Ruth asked people to review the panels and make sure they are aware that each day is organized based on specific themes.
- Ruth would also especially like to promote the following session:
- Monday evening - Conversation on the Importance of Data in the Earth and Space Sciences: A Conversation with Rebecca Moore, Director of Google Earth, Earth Engine & Outreach
5) Season's Greetings
- Justin will be changing jobs; as a result, there might be a delay in his reply during next week (week of 11/28). He will follow up with new contact information upon starting his new position.
- This is also the last meeting for Justin as a Data Stewardship Committee Chair and Sophie as a Student Fellow. We both would like to thank the Committee and the ESIP as whole for giving us the opportunity to work with everyone. We also thank Rama for his numerous contributions to the group as Vice Chair and kudos for keeping the group running.
- The Data Stewardship Committee will be getting a new student fellow, and more information will be available next year.
- Both Justin and Sophie will be happy to support the new Chair and Student Fellow going forward.
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy New Year!