Interagency Data Stewardship/LifeCycle/Preservation Forum/TeleconNotes/2016-05-16meetingnotes

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Meeting Agenda - DS Committee - 2016-05-16 2PM EDT

  • Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
  • You can also dial in using your phone.
  • United States: +1 (408) 650-3123
  • Access Code: 453-694-565

Attendees: Vicky Wolf, Nate James, Lalit Wanchoo, Bob Downs, Denise Hills, Ge Peng, Tamar Norkin, Erin Robinson, Matt Mayernik, Natalie Mayers, Valerie Toner, Shelley Stall, Rebecca Fowler, Rama, Justin Goldstein, Sophie Hou


1. ExCom update - Justin

  • Notes:
  • Evaluation of ESIP is on-going. This is being carried out by an independent organization, which is conducting telephone interviews about various aspects of ESIP in order to provide feedback to Erin Robinson et al. Justin and Rama participated in such an interview recently and answered a number of questions, and everything is on track so far.
  • Link to ExCom meeting notes:
  • Rebecca is looking for contributors for AGU Data Blogs.
  • Additional organizations have also applied for ESIP membership; related documents are also available for everyone to review.

2. Information Quality Cluster update - Rama

  • Notes:
  • The Cluster has significant overlaps with NASA’s Data Quality working group; many of the initial use cases came from NASA’s working group.
  • The key purpose of the cluster is to develop a method/system for identifying and expressing data quality using concise/interoperable attributes. Additionally, how the data quality information is documented and presented from both the data producer and the user’s points of view are also part of the cluster’s objectives.
  • As a result of the NASA Data Quality working group’s previous work, more than 100 recommendations have been developed from 16 use cases, and “low hanging fruit” recommendations (defined as those for which there are existing solutions) have been identified for implementation in NASA. Information on these recommendations also feeds into IQC’s work.
  • IQC has developed a few new use cases which are to be analyzed during a session at the ESIP Summer Meeting
  • The regular meeting for the Information Quality Cluster is held on the second Thursday of each month at 11am PT/ 2pm ET (
  • Peng shared the information regarding her newly published paper:

3. OAIS Reference Model Related Document Discussion - Ruth

  • Justin encourages the Data Stewardship Committee members to provide feedback/comments regarding the document.

4. ESIP Summer Meeting: Data Stewardship Committee sessions

  • These links are provided to the Data Stewardship Committee members as a FYI. This is so that the members can review, consider, and plan for the sessions that they might like to attend during the ESIP Summer Meeting.
  • The different sessions that will be hosted by Data Stewardship Committee members include the traditional session format as well several workshops (e.g. Maturity Models/Reference Framework and Information Quality Cluster Use Cases workshops).
  • Please also note that the poster session this year will be presented in the format of “Research as Art”.
  • Sophie provided the current progress regarding the Data Management Clearinghouse project. The key development is that there is now a preliminary timeline with milestones set up; the aim of the project group is to provide an initial system for demo at the ESIP Summer Meeting.

5. Presentation + Q&A - Nathan James (Earth Science Data & Information System (ESDIS) at NASA - nathan DOT l DOT james AT nasa DOT gov)

  • Three key characteristics: permanent/persistent, actionable, and informative.
  • The “actionable” component requires regular maintenance of the DOI.
  • As for the “informative” component, landing pages that are related to the DOIs also need to be updated/maintained periodically, including providing information regarding the contributors of the digital entities.
  • NASA ESDIS DOI Management -
  • EOSDIS is a group of 12 active Earth Science data archives, and the goal is to have DOIs for all the items in the archives.
  • Having representatives from DAAC within the DOI working group helps in informing and shaping the DOI policies that EOSDIS implements.
  • ESDIS DOI Workflow -
  • An 8-step process that includes visiting ESDI DOI wiki website, filling out a form, and for ESDIS team to review the information and reserve/register the DOI as appropriate.
  • NASA ESDSWGDOI Working Group -
  • Key activities: DOI process review, DOI landing page, and citations and identifiers.
  • DOI Process Review -
  • Several recommendations and their respective resolutions have been reached. Examples of recommendations include: DOIs should have a corresponding data set landing page (i.e. one-to-one relationship between the DOI and its landing page), DOIs should be exported to the Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) in the Directory Interchange Format (DIF). Corresponding solutions are: All ESDIS DOIs must have an accompanying product landing page URL before being registered with EZID (ESDIS) can reserve the DOI while the landing page is being developed) and GCMD has already revised the DIF in order to accommodate the DOI information.
  • Additional 3 other recommendations and their solutions were also discussed (please see slides for additional information).
  • DOI Landing Page -
  • There are 6 required fields (DOI name, data set long name, version number, data access, data citation)and 1 recommended field (and associated landing pages).
  • Citation and Identifiers -
  • DOI field is formatted so that it is capable of being mapped to the different citation formats.
  • Different formats of citations can also be generated.
  • Software is the key one among “non-data objects” that can also receive DOIs.
  • NASA ESDIS DOI Metrics -
  • Almost 3000 DOIs are currently in the ESDIS system.
  • ESDIS DOIs and Citation of Data Products -
  • Data citation formats used are:
  • ESIP: Creator, Year, Product Title, Distributor, DOI Name
  • Version is not used, and Date of Data Access is included at the end (before the DOI Name).
  • DataCite Citation tool:
  • Creator, Year, Product Title, Distributor, DOI Name
  • American Meteorological Society and The Economic and Social Research Council are two additional formats that were also shown as examples. Citations can be reformatted into any of the standard journal formats.
  • The required DOI metadata fields from ESDIS can be used directly in generating the citations.
  • ESDIS DOI Challenges -
  • DOI requests can also come from non-DAAC organizations.
  • DOI requests that are made before the assignment of DAAC is done and products produced by one DACC but later sent to another DAAC or non-DAAC organizations are two additional challenges when assigning DOIs.
  • Questions -
  • Is there a specific structure for the landing pages that is common to all DAACs?
  • Inclusion of specific content is the primary focus. As a result, even though the landing pages might have different visual styles, they should all include the same content types. As a recommendation, we point to all the DAACs the landing pages that have been built well, which may be used as examples to consider/follow..
  • How about the same data product that is being hosted by different data agencies?
  • Each data agency will maintain its own identifier for the data product; however, it should be made clear that the identifiers can be referenced by each other.
  • Is there a method for the DOIs to be visible in
  • If the DOI information is in the metadata, which is what website accesses, the DOI information should also be visible in However, if does not synchronize regularly with the DAAC, then the DOI and other information might not be up to date, which is a general problem with harvesting metadata.