Interagency Data Stewardship/LifeCycle/Preservation Forum/TeleconNotes/2016-04-18meetingnotes
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Meeting Agenda - DS Committee - 2016-04-16 2PM EDT
- Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
- You can also dial in using your phone.
- United States: +1 (408) 650-3123
- Access Code: 453-694-565
Attendees: Justin Goldstein (US Global Change Research Program / ICF International), Jon Jablonski, Janet Marsden, Vicky Wolf, Ge Peng, Bob Downs, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Shelley Stall, Madison Langseth, Valerie Toner, Ruth Duerr, Nancy Ritchey, Anne Wilson, Heather Brown, Corinna Gries, Nathan James, Sophie Hou
1. Data Stewardship Maturity Matrix (DSMM) Update - Peng (ge DOT peng AT noaa DOT gov)
- DSMM Use Case Studies - Briefing to ESIP Data Stewardship Committee (link to the presentation file: Media: GePeng DSMM UseCase ESIP Briefing 20160418.pdf)
- DSMM is a unified framework for measuring stewardship practices applied to individual digital Earth Science data.
- DSMM is structured using a measureable, five level progress practices with nine quasi independent key components.
- Several data types are being assessed including model reanalysis, ecological data, and paleo data.
- DSMM also has a pilot program with the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) in order to demonstrate the utility and establish baselines for DSMM in the NCEI environment/context.
- - Various data types are also selected from NCEI for the pilot program.
- Additional quick links to DSMM related resources are available from Peng’s presentation.
- Two sessions have been proposed for ESIP 2016 Summer Meeting:
- - The two sessions are related to each other and are set up to provide complementary information. Titled “Reference Frameworks for Assessing Maturity of Earth Science Data Products Part I and Part II, descriptions thereof can be viewed at: ( and
- Categories of maturity assessments utilizing a maturity model:
- - A total of 5 categories ranging from “no assessment done” (category 1) to “certified evaluation” (category 5).
- - If anyone is interested in providing feedback regarding the maturity assessment and DSMM, please feel welcome to contact Peng.
- - The assessment can be applied to datasets as well processes.
2. Presentation + QA - Jon Jablonski (Head of Map & Image Laboratory at the University of California, Santa Barbara - jonjab AT ucsb DOT edu)
- The Practice of Spatial Data Librarianship - A Personal View
- Link to Presentation:
- Jon’s background: Librarianship (science and map) and Geography
- Main responsibility is to promote and manage (including collect, preserve, describe, and make accessible) the uses of cartographic resources.
- - Recent project: Research the provenance of a specific collection, support and assist in research collaboratory, manage ESRI licences and related activities, and help with data reference questions/requests.
- - Data: collect comprehensive data local to Santa Barbara and neighboring counties, negotiate access in relation to determining appropriate ownership.
- Comprehensive - aims to find information with as much detail as much and making the information available digitally.
- - Alexandria Digital Research Library (ADRL - multi-year effort to build a general purpose digital library, including capabilities to support spatial data (a collection that has been building for over 20 years).
- - UCSB Network Data Collection -
- Includes explanatory information regarding the data and the collection.
- - Spatial Data Archiving: Look for data from both national (ex: USGS Forest Service, National Park Service) and state resources.
- - An analog (ex: sheet maps) collection is also available at UCSB; however, only 50% of the collection is catalogued.
- - A specific space over time is an example of how the aerial photo collection can help researchers understand the change in geography.
- 95% of use of UCSB’s map/image collection is commercial (fee is collected for the use).
- - 98% of use is outside of the University of California system.
- Similar to Colorado School of Mines, UCSB makes effort in translating paper index of the related to maps to digital format, so that it would be easier for users to discover and understand the relevant collections to the area/geography of interest.
- Another visualization that could help UCSB in understanding the amount of resource that they have is by building a 3D stack; i.e taller the area, more available resources.
- - These visualization examples then can in return be used to demonstrate to students how to use tools, such as ArcGIS.
3. Other Items:
- Data Citation and Attribution in Linguistics ( - Ruth
- - Working on how to assign data citation/identifier as well as the definition of a “linguistic dataset”.
- - Ruth will help in providing additional updates as the group makes progress.
- - Ruth feels that the group has the potential to be the COPDESS for the linguistics discipline.