Interagency Data Stewardship/LifeCycle/Preservation Forum/TeleconNotes/2015-05-18meetingnotes
Meeting Agenda - DS Committee - 2015-05-18 2PM EDT
(Link to the Notes in Google Doc format )
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Attendees: Justin Goldstein, Annie Burgess, Sophie Hou, Ge Peng, Kerstin Lehnert, Madison Langseth, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Rama Ramapriyan, Shannon Rauch, Tamar Norkin, Steve Olding, Heather Brown, Matt Mayernik, Vicky Wolf, Bob Groman, Nancy Ritchey
Action Items:
1) Submissions of “testimonials” that support NASA renewal proposal are encouraged to be sent to Annie (
2) Review and feedback are welcome for ESIP Code of Conduct (
3) Those with ESIP Summer Meeting schedule conflicts should contact Annie Burgess ( ASAP.
1. Introduction / ExCom Update (Justin)
- a. Introduction of Annie Burgess, the new ESIP Community Manager, who among other responsibilities will be working closely with our Committee.
- b. Excom Update:
- i. Erin and Peter’s visit to D.C.
- - Met with various funders and colleagues, including NOAA, USGCRP, CEQ, OSTP, and USGS. Very productive trip.
- ii. ESIP is working on proposal renewal with NASA.
- - Submissions of “testimonials” that support the proposal are encouraged (please send NASA/ESIP testimonials to Annie:
- iii. ESIP Code of Conduct:
- - Available on ESIP website for feedback (
- iv. Finance Committee:
- - Upcoming changes have been planned.
- v. Seven new memberships have been submitted to ESIP for review.
- i. Erin and Peter’s visit to D.C.
2. Presentation:
- a. Coalition for Publishing Data in the Earth and Space Sciences (CODPESS, Kerstin Lehnert - - 10 to 15 mins + discussion
- i. Roots in the geochemistry community (publication of geochemical data).
- ii. Major changes observed in the data publication practices since initial efforts by the aforementioned community.
- - Open access/data mandates; data are increasingly recognized as scholarly record; cyberinfrastructure and escience development, and grown number of repositories.
- iii. Domain-specific repositories connect various stakeholders in data management and stewardship communities.
- iv. Data: Publisher’s Perspective
- - There many concerns, including how to make data available while retaining their value in terms of accessibility and usability.
- v. Data: Repository Perspective
- - Repositories can assist with data discovery and integration; however, better connections need to be made with the publications.
- vi. Enabling Data Goals and Leverage
- - Publication is still a good way to help exposing data.
- - Collaborations between repositories and publishers could help with improving best practices.
- vii. Conference: October 2014 at AGU Headquarters in Washington, DC
- - Goal: “Connect Earth Science publishers and Data Facilities to help translate the aspirations of open, available, and useful data from policy into practice.”
- - More than 70 participants representing different institutions and organizations in the areas of publishers, funders, data facilities, and policy.
- viii. Meeting Outcomes
- - Commitment to form “Coalition for Publishing Data in the Earth and Space Sciences (COPDESS)”.
- ix. A Statement of commitment
- - Available on
- - There is also an article in -
- x. Signatories as of May 15, 2015
- - Additional signatories are welcome.
- xi. Actions
- - Build an online directory of Earth and space science data repositories that can be used by journals and authors.
- - This could help provide guidance regarding where and how to deposit data.
- - Promulgate metadata information.
- - Build an online directory of Earth and space science data repositories that can be used by journals and authors.
- xii. More Actions
- - Additional collaborations with other citation and identifier organizations.
- xiii. New Development
- - Workshop on reproducibility in the Field Sciences.
- xiv. Additional contact
- - Brooks Hanson (AGU) -
- xv. Addition suggestions are welcome regarding the taxonomy to be used for the building the online directory of Earth and space science data repositories.
- xvi. Defining and measuring “appropriateness” of the domain repositories to be part of the COPDESS’ directory is an area of investigation/coordination/collaboration.
3. ESIP Summer Meeting sessions: - 5 to 10 mins
- a.
- b. Remote attendance will be available; the information will be made available closer to meeting time.
- c. Those with conflicts should contact Annie Burgess ( ASAP, keeping in mind that not every conflict can be resolved.
4. Other business:
- a. Student Fellow Blog Post on PCCS and Data Stewardship Matrix:
- b. Recap of Special Seminar: Thursday, May 14th, 12pm ET/9am PT
- c. Reviewers’ comments for the data Management article submitted to Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship have been received. The paper received an acceptance on the condition of recommended revisions.
- i. Article is revised based on the comments and will be sent to Justin for one last review before final submission.
5. Adjourn