Interagency Data Stewardship/LifeCycle/Preservation Forum/TeleconNotes/20091209

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)


Bob Downs, Carol Meyer, H. K. Ramapriyan, Bruce Barkstrom, Rob Raskin, Steve Olding, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Bob Rank


  • Finalize AGU meeting preparations
  • ESIP meeting preparations
    • Stewardship track activities
    • Data policy


Ruth started the meeting by summarizing the activities planned for the upcoming AGU meeting. She noted that Carol had made up postcards advertising the Town Hall meeting to be held Thursday evening. ESIP Stewardship cluster members are asked to distribute them and mention the town hall at their sessions and noted that some would be available from the NSIDC booth. Anyone else with a booth who would like to distribute them is welcome.

The bulk of the meeting was spent discussing plans for the upcoming ESIP federation meeting in January. Several tweaks to the agenda were made. Ruth had sent out a draft version of a proposed data policy earlier in the day and will take comments on that through the end of the day. In addition to the comments received via email the group agreed to re-craft the "policy" as ESIP Data Stewardship Principles. Rob Raskin will work with the Products and Services committee to draft verbiage related to data quality principles. Bob Rank agreed to provide access to NOAA's administrative order 212.15 (? did I capture that correctly) that describes NOAA policies in this regard, while Rama pointed us all to NASA's EOSDIS data policies as spelled out in the [ Earth Science Reference Handbook].

The current plan will be for Ruth to gather comments today and will redraft the document and redistribute tomorrow. When Rob has material from the Products and Services committee to include, the entire draft will be distributed to the ESIP-all mailing list. Ruth will spend a few minutes at the ESIP Federation Business Meeting briefing the community on the draft as it stands at that point.

Ruth noted that progress on the Identifiers testbed has been slow since she's been out of town. However, she will have metadata in-hand for the Glacier Photo dataset shortly so activities should pick up. There is a telecon of the testbed subgroup later this week.

Ruth also noted that it seemed unlikely that there would be a complete draft of the report from the summer workshop available by AGU; but that there needed to be a draft at least by the ESIP meeting in January. She recognized Rama and Nancy for their efforts on their sections.