Interagency Data Stewardship/LifeCycle/Jul2009Meeting
!!Under construction!!
Tuesday, July 7
8:30 - 10:00 | Fedora and Duraspace (ppt) |
10:30 - 12:00 | iRODS (ppt) |
1:30 - 3:00 | LOCKSS (not available) |
3:30 - 5:00 | myExperiment (ppt) |
Wednesday, July 8
1:00 - 3:00 | View from the field - Introduction (ppt) | |
Bruce Wilson | Ecological Society of America. Link to ESA Workshop web site. Presentation (ppt) | |
Nirav Merchant | iPlant (ppt) | |
George Djorgovski | National Virtual Observatory (ppt) | |
Steve Hughes | Planetary Data System (ppt) | |
Reagan Moore | NARA (ppt) | |
Steve Morris | LOC (ppt) | |
Brian Wilson | "Practical" Provenance (ppt) | |
Paolo Missier | e-Labs, Research Objects, and Provenance (ppt) | |
3:30 - 5:30 | Provenance and Context Workshop | |
Workshop Introduction | Purpose, agenda, process (ppt) | |
Review of Guiding Documents | OAIS, PREMIS, USGCRP (ppt) | |
Provenance and Context Research | ||
Jim Frew (presentation not available) | ||
Bruce Barkstrom (ppt) | ||
Ruth Duerr (ppt) | ||
Open Discussion |
Thursday, July 9
9:00 - 10:00 | Lessons from the Past | |
John Moses | NASA Nimbus II data (ppt) | |
Dennis Wingo | Technoarchaeology (ppt - too large for this wiki - contact Ruth to obtain a copy) | |
Tom Ross | NOAA Climate Data Modernization program (pdf) | |
10:30 - 12:30 | Standards | |
OAIS | ||
John Garrett | OAIS Overview (ppt) | |
Ken McDonald | OAIS - NOAA usage (ppt) | |
John Moses | OAIS - NASA EOSDIS Data Center's Usage (ppt) | |
Data Formats | ||
Mike Folk | HDF efforts to improve data preservation (pdf) | |
Russ Rew | NetCDF and Data Durability (ppt) | |
Metadata Content and Format Standards | ||
Ted Habermann | Metadata Standards: Evolution (ppt) | |
SiriJodha Singh Khalsa | NASA ECS Data Model (ppt) | |
Nancy Hoebelheinrich | PREMIS and Geospatial Resources (ppt) | |
2:00 - 5:30 | Provenance and Context Workshop |
During this session we came to agreement on an outline for a Provenance and Context workshop report, complete with writing assignments and some hints of content. Folks with writing assignments should have made some progress on their sections by the next telecon (Aug. 12).
Friday, July 10
8:30 - 9:30 | Cluster meeting |
The primary topic of this discussion was preliminary results from the work on permanent identifiers that some members of the group have been working on. The result was general agreement that different identifier schemes/technologies support different subsets of the overall requirements for unique identifiers and that therefore systems must be able to support multiple identifiers to satisfy all needs.
Given this Ruth will prepare a harmonized rough draft paper for review - at that point a decision about where to submit the paper will be held.