ISO Source Scope

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

How ISO Does It

Many datasets and products are created by bringing together data and information from multiple sources. Information about these sources is held in the Lineage section of ISO 19115. The Source object includes an extent which allows description of the temporal and spatial extent of each source.

+ description [0..1] : CharacterString
+ scaleDenominator [0..1] : MD_RepresentativeFraction
+ sourceReferenceSystem [0..1] : MD_ReferenceSystem
+ sourceCitation [0..1] : CI_Citation
+ sourceExtent [0..*] : EX_Extent

ESIP Response


  • James Gallagher
  • Henry
  • Xing
  • Daniel Jacob
  • Jeff Arnfield
  • Ken Casey - Yes, but what does this mean?
  • Yes - also appropriate / recommended scales


  • John Scialdone