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Subgroup Members:
- Rob Raskin
- Chuck Hutchinson
- Bruce Caron
Issues to Be Addressed:
- Permanently Name Alternate Voting Reps for which no proxy is needed – education and communication are key parts toward the successful implementation of this;
- What to do with Community Engagement, Commercial Development & Products and Services Committees; look at all committee charters
- Clusters lifespan – related to membership; finance; AQ was never envisioned to short term; perhaps more appropriate for AQ Cluster to be a WG
- Membership dues
- Leadership succession/terms/when elections are held
- Governance should support strategic plan... meetings should support governance structure
- Permanently Name Alternate Voting Reps for which no proxy is needed – education and communication are key parts toward the successful implementation of this
- Is there an issue?
- What would be required to make the change? Look at Bylaw II.2.3 - get clarification from C&B
- Resolution from Excom articulating the policy change
- Primary and Secondary alternates would have to be named
- What to do with Community Engagement, Commercial Development & Products and Services Committees; look at all committee charters
- Active committees - Education/IT&I are more self-serving; Inactive committees have larger organizational roles
- Committee activity review: # of telecons/meetings; # of active people
- Are committee functions related to ESIP Types? What role might affinity groups play? Belonging to more than 1 ESIP Type?
- Eliminate committees that are inactive - would require bylaws changes
- Open process to invite new committee to be formed
- Invite Outreach Managers from Data Centers to future meetings
- Community Engagement is now served by Foundation Front Office
- P&S perhaps getting split among all other committees
- Commercial Development as a cluster? ping Howard
- Clusters lifespan – related to membership; finance; AQ was never envisioned to short term; perhaps more appropriate for AQ Cluster to be a WG
- What are Clusters when they grow up? - Working Groups
- What are Working Groups when they grow up? - Committees
- Natural Evolution of cluster to working group
- Air Quality Cluster was created out of the Executive Committee under Yunck - should change the name to Air Quality Working Group
- Semantic Web Cluster was to help the EIE mature - should it fall under IT&I?
- Working Groups are sponsored by Committees - financial oversight by committees as part of their budgets
- Semi-annual reports on how money was spent to ESIP Federation Assembly
- Membership dues
- Every ESIP pays a basic amount (the equivalent of 1 meeting/person) - a meeting credit $600/year
- Will trigger consolidation of partner projects
- Credit has to be sufficient enough to differentiate between members and non-members
- Waive membership fee for Type IVs
- Calendar membership dues structure, pro-rated if join mid-year
- Unanimous consent required for imposing dues
- Optional dues
- Leadership succession/terms/when elections are held
- Length of terms probably should stay at 1 year b/c of difficulty in getting people to serve
- Consecutive terms limited to 1 set of back-to-back; possibly change to 3
- Governance should support strategic plan... meetings should support governance structure
- town hall meeting to ask what affinity groups are needed?
- Permanent Naming of Alternate Voting Rep
- Draft a Resolution from Excom articulating the policy change which provides for a primary and secondary alternate voting rep. (no bylaws change needed)
- What to do with Community Engagement, Commercial Development & Products and Services Committees
- Excom to Review all Committees (# of meetings during past 2 years; # of people in attendance; upcoming activities) and make recommendations on what should be kept, what should go
- Open a process to invite new Standing Committees
- Lifespan of Clusters and Working Groups
- Natural Evolution of cluster to working group
- Oversight of working groups from a committee that created it.
- Financial oversight is done through the budget request review process & semi-annual reporting on activities
- Membership dues
- Implement a *voluntary* dues structure that provides a meeting credit
- Leadership succession/terms
- No changes need to term length
- Increase consecutive term limit to 3 (from 2 1-year terms)
- Governance should support strategic plan
- Conduct a town hall meeting to identify new affinity groups for Federation partners