February 2018

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)


February 2018

These were approved as read by unanimous consent, March 13, 2018

Members (BOLD means they were on the call)

    Christine White, President

    Steve Diggs, Vice President

    Helen Conover, Chair, Finance

    Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Chair, Partnership

    Mike Daniels, Chair, Governance

    Matt Mayernik, Chair, Data Stewardship

    Shelley Olds, Chair, Education

    Rich Signell, Chair, IT & I, regrets… on a plane

    Tracey Pilone, Chair, Nominations

    Beth Huffer, Chair, Semantic Technologies

    No minutes to approve

    President's Report

      Welcome, & Program Committee Meeting Structure


        Big picture items for 2018 with this group

          Leadership and service to you

            Let Christine or Steve and/or staff if you need anything to help ESIP work better for your group.

          More than reporting, and the pulse of ESIP

            These calls can become a more interactive opportunity to let the group know about what you observe around ESIP. What’s new? What’s a problem? What’s the pulse of ESIP?

            Bring these topics to the PC notes and be ready to discuss.

          Strategic Plan connections, theme

          Portion of Program Committee for Tools you and your groups can use

        Board vs. Program and how fit together

          Policies & Procedures regarding Board & Program Committee

          For Board Duties and Responsibilities, see Article 4 of the ESIP Bylaws. For Program Committee Duties and Responsibilities, see ESIP Policy and Procedure 1.3, section 3.

        January Board meeting



            Their website

          COR Ontology Report and plan

          Other Board Items - Budget, Strategic Partnerships, Succession Planning

    Staff Report

      Winter Meeting recap (link to survey)

        Kick off to 20th anniversary [VIDEO]

          Visioneers will be working on this

      NASA Earth Science Data System Working Group Meeting and NOAA Environmental Data Management Conference planning

      Summer Meeting planning

      Raskin call for nominees

      Google Summer of Code

      Earth Data Provenance Workshop

        USGS sponsored, ESIP organized, workshop at the eScience Institute at the University of Washington

      New Fellow

        Ranalda Tsosie will support the SciComm Cluster

        What is the process for requesting a Fellow/getting a Fellow?

          Fellow applicants indicate on their application what groups they are interested in working; also, cluster needs or if applicant has a strong interest in an area/individuals active in that group

          Action: consider how to clarify steps and dialog with cluster/committee lead on needs

      Building a knowledge base around Clusters: ESIP’s innovation core

      Building capacity around newer ESIP-available interactive platforms:

      Figshare is improving its institutional features

      Committee Reports

        Data Stewardship

          Working on updating the committee yearly plan.

          Data Management Training working group is planning a crowdsourcing event in late Feb to identify resources to include in the DMT Clearinghouse. Intending to run a second event later depending on outcomes from the first.


          First meeting of the new year is tomorrow - future telecons have been scheduled monthly on the second Wednesday of the month @ 3pm ET.

          Working on summer education workshop content - coding in the classroom

        IT&I Tech Dive Webinar Series

          Next talk upcoming: Effective approach for using big multidimensional data in the Cloud

        Semantic Technology

          Had a great Winter Meeting, with lots of sessions and a successful Geosemantics Symposium

          COR - working with Annie to develop an action plan on COR maintenance and improvements;

            Action: think about how to reach other people not already steeped in semantic technologies; Summer Meeting workshop - how Beth can work with other Program Committee chairs to collaborate on how other ESIP members can use the COR ontology repo as a resource

          No January committee meeting; will resume meetings in February


          Chair is in the process of getting up to speed on committee procedures & timeline thanks to assistance of previous chair

            Current members include: Brian Wee, Tyler Stevens, Denise Hills

          Seems to be one member application at present

          Committee meeting to be called in late February or early March to introduce committee’s work to new members and discuss goals / objectives for the year.

          Would like to see the results from last year’s survey when they are ready for committee;

            [BC] Here is the [LINK]

          what is the status of the analysis?

            [BC] Some results: No real surprises. Because of ESIP’s history, some ESIPs are subunits of larger organizations (e.g. NASA, NOAA, WHOI), which also have ESIP membership status. Others are subunits of organizations that are not ESIP members (e.g., UCSB). This can cause some confusion when new employees are registering for meetings (and need to know if they can use the member rate). Staff answers these queries on a case-by-case basis.
            Keeping memberships for subunits when the larger organization is a member gives these subunits a vote. When the larger organization is a member, then this organization can also vote. As long as there is no organized attempt to game the voting, this causes no problem.
            Travel to ESIP is mainly constrained by budget. Sometimes the travel is split among team members who might each attend one meeting. Staff/visioneers will examine suggestions about meeting logistics. Mostly members were well satisfied.


          Finance Committee for 2018 has three returning members - Helen Conover (chair), Rebecca Koskela, James Gallagher - and new member Kevin Ward.

          Our next big thing will be summer travel grants. That call should go out about the same time as call for sessions at the summer meeting.

          Still need to get trip reports and RFPs a home on ESIP web space.

            Reporting form is here.

            Completed trip reports will live here.


          The 2018 Governance Committee consists of Mike Daniels (chair), Bruce Caron [staff], Christopher Lenhardt, James Gibeaut and Bob Downs. First telecon is set for February 20th and future telecons have been scheduled monthly on the third Tuesday of the month at 10A Mountain.

          Cleaned up some of the legacy esipfed.org wiki pages related to Governance (though they still refer to our committee as the “Constitution and Bylaws Committee” instead of the “Governance Committee”). I did not add the link to the Google Drive P&P documents as there are permissions issues that allow anybody to muck them up.

          Have done some revamping of the Google Drive P&P docs for consistency. There are still some leftover comments in the docs (e.g. the Conflict of Interest, Whistleblower, Travel Expense and Reimbursement, Asset Management). All individual policy documents are set such that anyone with the link can comment with the exception of the Gift Issuance Policy (only those in “Earth Science Information” can find and view) and the Employee Search and Selection Policy (only accessible to the PC).

          Have tested Gitbook as the viewer for the P&P docs once they are stored in github. On an initial test (just the top level P&P page), Gitbook did not preserve formatting and numbering of the sections and subsections, etc. We may have to restructure the docs to conform to what it is expecting as Gitbook does not appear to have many configurable options.

          “Appendices” might be a good place for the policies for ESIP Fellows


          Completed the nominations and election process between December and January 2018.

          2018 nominations team should be kicked off over the next month and include lessons learned from 2017.

        Other collaboration area highlights?

      Other Business