Fall 2011 Bylaw Change Election
Eliminate need for ESIPs to appoint representatives to Committees
Delete I.1.3: Each ESIP may designate one voting Representative to each Standing Committee and each Working Group by submitting the name of the Representative to the Chair of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee.
Delete VI.1.4: Individuals from all ESIPs and from outside the Federation will be allowed to participate in any Working Group. However, only the designated ESIP Representative as described in Bylaw I can vote.
Comments: These bylaws have no relevance to how we currently conduct business. An ESIP does not formally appoint a representative to any Committee.
Remove text that applied to a one-time situation
Delete IV.5.7: REASoN projects can submit their application through the Constitution and Bylaws Committee to the Assembly for a vote through a designated form on the ESIP Federation website...
Comments: This text is no longer relevant.
Reduce need for special elections
Modify IV.1.3: If any member of an Administrative Committee, other than the President or Vice President of the Executive Committee, leaves office before the end of the normal term, the Executive Committee shall appoint an interim member and an election shall be held at the next meeting of the Assembly to replace the member for the remainder of that term. the Executive Committee shall appoint an eligible replacement to serve out the remainder of that term.
Modify IV.1.5: In the event that the elected Chair of an Administrative Committee is unable to continue to execute the duties of that office, the Vice-Chair will assume the Chair for the duration of the elected term, and a special election shall be held to select a new Vice-Chair for the duration of the term of the Chair.the Executive Committee shall appoint an eligible replacement to serve out the remainder of that term.
Delete: IV.1.6 In the event that the elected Vice-Chair of an Administrative Committee is unable to continue to execute the duties of that office, a special election shall be held to select a new Vice-Chair for the duration of the term of the Chair.
Modify V.1.7: In the event that the elected Chair of a Standing Committee is unable to continue to execute the duties of that office, the Vice-Chair will assume the Chair for the duration of the elected term, and a special election shall be held to select a new Vice-Chair for the duration of the term of the Chair.the Executive Committee shall appoint an eligible replacement to serve out the remainder of that term.
Delete: V.1.8: In the event that the elected Vice-Chair of a Standing Committee is unable to continue to execute the duties of that office, a special election shall be held to select a new Vice-Chair for the duration of the term of the Chair.
Modify VI.1.7: In the event that the elected Chair of a Working Group is unable to continue to execcute the duties of that office, a special election shall be held to select a new Chairthe Executive Committee shall appoint an eligible replacement to serve out the remainder of that term.
(note: It is possible to combine IV.1.3, IV.1.5, V.1.7, and VI.1.7 into a single paragraph statement describing the common procedure for filling vacant positions. Similarly, it is possible to combine III.2.3, IV.1.4, and V.1.5 into a single common procedure for removing someone from office.)
Comments: These original bylaws made sense when the Federation was a much smaller entity. Now, as a larger volunteer organization, the Executive Committee can make temporary appointments without the need to involve the Assembly members.
Require closing date for online elections
Add to Bylaw II.2.6: All elections carried out via distance methods shall include a closing date after which votes will no longer be accepted.
Comments: This change corrects an oversight that enables an election to continue open indefinitely for years.
Reduce quorum requirements from 2/3 to 1/2
Modify II.2.2: In the case of resolutions brought up during meetings of the Assembly, a quorum for the Assembly is at least two-thirds one-half of the Representatives to the Assembly established by roll call at the beginning of each voting session of the Assembly.
Comments: We regularly have difficulties in achieving the 2/3 threshold. Roberts Rules of Order suggests a 1/2 threshold for volunteer organizations such as ours. Organizations similar to ours use 1/2. A 2/3 threshold may have made sense initially when participation in the Federation was a requirement for receipt of funding.
Remove dormant Committees
Delete V.4.1: The ESIP Federation shall include a Standing Committee for Community Engagement... and its subsections.
Delete V.5.1: The ESIP Federation shall include a Standing Committee for Commercial Development... and its subsections.
Comments: Each of these Committees has been inactive for many years. The role of the Community Engagement Committee has been largely taken over by the Federation Front Office. The role of Commercial Development is minimal due to the limited role that commercial entities play in the current Federation.