ExCom June2013
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
ESIP Federation Executive Committee, June 13, 2013
Participants: Carol Meyer, Erin Robinson, John Scialdone, Emily Law, Karl Benedict, Annette Schloss, Roberta Johnson, Steve Berrick, Tamara Ledley, Chuck Hutchinson Meeting called to order at 2:03 by Karl Benedict
- Welcome
- May Minutes were tabled and will be approved at the August meeting with the June Minutes.
- Report Back from Constitution and Bylaws Committee on Commons Governance (Governance Document)
- Tamara Ledley reported on the work done by C&B on ESIP Commons Governance. The group recommended that a Commons Working Group be established. The group also recommended that membership include type reps, C&B chair and be open to anyone else interested.
- Additional discussion centered on language in the existing Bylaws that limits the duration of ESIP Federation Working Groups to some discrete project/task/undertaking. C&B was asked to investigate ways to handle this with respect to the on-going needs of a Commons Governance WG as well as others that currently exist. (e.g. Visioneers, Air Quality, Drupal, Energy & Climate)
- Tamara moved for ExCom to accept this amended language. The motion was seconded by Chuck Hutchinson and approved by acclamation.
- Summer Meeting
- Carol reported on the upcoming ESIP Summer Meeting. Registration is up to almost 100 people and the agenda for both plenary sessions and breakouts are set, with some minor details still needing to be ironed out. We will have a sponsored breakfast by RENCI and a sponsored reception by ESRI. Because of fed travel restrictions, the early bird rate will be extended until the feds have had ample time to register, post-approval.
- Erin reminded the group that there will be remote participation available. Also, posters will be displayed throughout the meeting instead of at the reception and can be submitted to the ESIP Commons until June 28.
- GEO Participation Level
- Carol reported that GEO has approached the Federation about changing its status from Observer to Participating Organization. Group discussed and did not see a drawback to making this change.
- Committee Reports
- Partnership reported that the current class of new member applications are posted and open for review and comment. The committee has received one new application for the Fall class from the National Academy of Sciences.
- Other Business
- No other business
Chuck Hutchinson made a motion to adjourn the meeting and John Scialdone seconded. The motion carried by acclamation. The meeting adjourned at 2:45.
ESIP Federation Executive Committee, August 8, 2013
Participants: Carol Meyer, Erin Robinson, Annette Schloss, Tamara Ledley, Chuck Hutchinson, Curt Tilmes, Stefan Falke, Brian Wee
- Approval of May & June minutes
- Approval of May and June minutes were tabled because we didn't have a quorum.
- ESIP Meetings
- Summer Debrief Summer Meeting Evaluation Results
- The meeting despite sequastration and travel cuts was still well-attended, with just over 200 people in person and 25-30 on the phone.
- We received 137 survey responses. Generally the Summer Meeting was positively reviewed both from those that attended in-person and remotely.
- The routine comment of too many sessions in every track being of interest is a good problem to have, but we will have Visioneers look at how we might reduce some of the conflicts. Many comments for a longer meeting.
- The Speed Networking was appreciated by newer ESIP attendees, but the majority agreed that a structured networking event should become a staple at Summer Meetings. This will be passed to Visioneers to consider how to improve.
- Poster presenters didn't like the ambiguity of the on-going poster session during breaks. We will move to having an official poster session kick-off. Others commented that they liked being able to see posters throughout the meeting, so improved visibility was obtained.
- There were many comments asking for more applications/"end-users"/applied sciences activities at future meetings.
- Locations - West, Boulder or west coast, potentially Portland.
- Looking Ahead to Winter
- The Winter Meeting will be Jan. 8-10.
- Some potential themes were around research to operations and education or sustainability
- Summer Debrief Summer Meeting Evaluation Results
- Committee & Working Group Budget Requests (Budget Justification Template, FY2014 Budget Template, Committee and Working Group Budget Policy)
- Budget requests are due by the end of September, Oct. 1. They should tie clearly to the ESIP strategic plan and articulate rationale. Heavy travel requests are not reviewed favorably and ESIP does not fund time, only deliverables. If you have questions email Carol.
- Committee Reports
- Carol reported for Partnership that the National Academy of Science has applied through BRDI for membership to ESIP.
- Other Business
- No other business.