ExCom April2014
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Participants: Peter Fox, Sara Graves, Bruce Caron, Tyler Stevens, Ken Keiser, Christine White, Matt Austin, Emily Law, Curt Tilmes, Bill Teng, Roberta Johnson, Chuck Hutchinson, Erin Robinson
- Approval of March Minutes
- Sara Graves motioned to accept the minutes as presented and Emily Law seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by acclamation.
- President's Report - Peter Fox
- ESIP Updates - ESIP leaders are moving forward the next ESIP strategic plan (Emily Law), Nomination committee (Bruce Caron) and funding eligibility (Bill Teng) and would report during this call.
- Executive Director Transition - Working with Karl to get an update out to ESIP-all. Peter is sitting on the search committee, which includes input into job description and interview process.
- ESIP Federation/ Foundation for Earth Science MOU - The transition is a good time to review the MOU and specific conditions.
- Staff Report - Erin Robinson & Chuck Hutchinson
- Summer Meeting Update - Erin reported that the summer meeting planning is on track. We have 19 sessions submitted so far. She will have a draft agenda at the next meeting and registration will go live at the end of April. A call for plenary speaker ideas around the topic of software sustainability was made.
- ESIP 1-pager was shared as an informational item in follow-up from last month's call. Matt Austin is sending this in his emails about IT&I rants/raves.
- Transition - Chuck reported that both search and transition committees have met. They are working together on a job description. The search committee has put together a timeline and hopes to fill the position within six months of posting the job. These groups will also work on regular communication with the larger community.
- What will Excom's involvement be? Peter is on the committee. Chuck and Peter are open to other ideas.
- Committee Reports
- Strategic Plan - Emily Law reported that the group will (1) incorporate the 2009 Strategic Plan and 2020 vision pillars from mid-course review into the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan (2) Capture the status of actions and progress and will present this next month to Excom and (3) create actionable tasks for the goals. The strategic plan will engage the entire ESIP leadership - both Excom and Work Group/Cluster leads. Depending on need, the group may convene in August for a strategic plan retreat. Erin will also put together a timeline for the strategic plan process for our next meeting.
- Ficom - Bill Teng reached out to the Ficom group and they will be having a telecon to discuss funding criteria in the next month.
- Partnership - Tyler Stevens reported that Partnership met on Monday to review applications and their 2014 plan. Of the 8 submitted, 5 were fine with no additional modifications and Erin was following up with the other 3 for more details. The group is working on a welcome packet for new members and membership criteria and will report on both of those things in May.
- C&B - Bruce Caron reported that the tiger team is in place for the nomination committee and they have a discussion page going on the wiki.
- Data Stewardship - Erin reported for Ruth that the group still has two papers in process. They have submitted two sessions for the summer meeting. The Data Study group will meet with members of BRDI on Monday to discuss how this project will move forward.
- Education - Roberta Johnson reported that NESTA had 14 events and saw 1200 teachers at NSTA this week. ESIP is part of the fall NSTA meeting, so will be great for exposure. The Ed. committee is planning an ESIP Summer Session to connect teachers to data providers and get data into the classroom.
- IT&I - Erin reported that last week's rant/rave was from John Evans, GST on Drones, mesonets and cubesats for disasters. Emily shared with the Disaster cluster and the session was well-attended.
- Products & Services - Christine reported that the ESIP Testbed - Call for proposals is out. It has generated some ideas and there are two weeks left. There will be two calls a year moving forward, one that closes 4/30 and the other 9/30. The group will meet this month to talk about FUNding Friday revisions and will report back in May.
- Other Business
- Curt Tilmes is now our new NASA rep, replacing Steve Berrick.
- Erin put out a request for ESIP Member Highlights.
- Future Agenda topics -please add to the wiki
- Governance
The meeting adjourned at 3:59.