ExCom April2013

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

ESIP Federation Executive Committee, April 11, 2013

Participants: Carol Meyer, Erin Robinson, John Scialdone, Emily Law, Brian Wee, Karl Benedict, Stefan Falke, Chuck Hutchinson, Tamara Ledley

Meeting called to order at 2:10 by Karl Benedict

1. Welcome
2. Approval of February minutes

Chuck Hutchinson made a motion to adopt the minutes as drafted. The motion was seconded by Emily Law. Without discussion, the minutes were approved by acclamation.

3. Commons Governance Working Group Report (Governance Document)

The Commons Governance steering committee established draft guidance. One outcome was to formalize the differentiation of the Commons from other ESIP web assets. The Wiki remains as a collaboration space and esipfed.org is front-forward facing website. The Commons is for final products. The draft guidance included the following:
  • Core principles: (1) Light weight, so that content areas are managed by experts (2) Least restrictive licensing (3) Persistence access to resources
  • Steering Committee made up of ESIP Type Representatives, Content Area Editors and the ESiP Federation Vice President. Discussion noted that the Steering Committee was to be more like a working group (rather than a cluster).
    • Content area editors - identify experts ensure style
    • Content contributors
    • Admin - Operational/Maintenance
    • Users - viewers of content
    • The Executive Committee modified the draft to replace the Vice President with the Chair of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee.
  • Two license - contributed content micro article/meeting sessions/modules - default is cc-by ; option for public domain - does not have authority to assert copyright.
  • A motion to adopt the draft as modified was put forward by Tamara Ledley and seconded by John Scialdone. There was no additional discussion. The modified document was approved by acclamation.
  • The Constitution and Bylaws Committee was asked to see how the steering committee fits within the ESIP governance Structure.
  • A style guide will be developed with content editors. Will also work through workflows for specific content.

4. Summer Planning & Travel Impacts (Planning Page) - Talked to both NASA and NOAA program managers. We are on the conferencing radars. NOAA numbers will likely be down. The call for sessions went out - we have 12 so far. We have plenary programs in the works. Excom discussed ability to travel. 5. Revisiting Award Review Criteria - item tabled because Vice President, Annette Schloss was not present for the discussion 6. Committee Reports

  • Partnership - 7 new partners; Setting up a time to meet and review the applications.

7. Other Business

No other business was offered. The meeting adjourned at 1:43.