Earth Science Data Analytics/2016-5-26 Telecon
ESDA Telecon notes – 5/26/16
Known Attendees:
ESIP Hosts (Annie Burgess), Steve Kempler, Lindsay Barberie, Chung-Lin Shie, Robert Downs, Beth Huffer, Shea Caspersen, Tiffany Mathews, Byron Peters, Ethan McMahon, Sudhir Shrestha
1. Tools and Techniques – Status
2. How can we best validate our work with ESDA users?
3. ESIP Summer Meeting Planning. Session Title: Earth Science Data Analytics Tools, Techniques and More (
4. Open Mic – What else should we be addressing?
Reviewed tools/techniques matrix
Thank you all for attending and participating in our telecon
Announcement: Bar will be giving a very valuable presentation at the July ESIP ESDA Cluster session on her experiences, as a student of Data Science. This will be very interesting to hear first hand experience from someone is going through the paces of 'what it takes to be a Data Scientist'
We spent this hour strategizing how we can validate the work we have done thus far. That is we have a lot of information recorded, but how do we know we are creating the correct ESDA types to ESDA goals to ESDA tools/techniques, relationships. Possible solutions:
- Beth: We can flesh out use cases to get more details
- Steve: Get more targeted use cases (We have not targeted use cases specifically to our ESDA types or goals before. We have acquired use cases and have mapped them, using our judgment to ESDA types and goals)
- Ethan: Broaden the distribution of our google doc to the broader ESIP community
- Beth: Get a sense of user's pain points in using ESDA tools. For example, in ArcGIS, datasets can be structured differently Acquire/Provide recommendations that can improve the use of tools
- Steve: Still trying to figure out how to get a larger user presence involved in validating ESDA effort.
- Sudhir: Will have an ESIP session on R, hoping to bring users, potentially available to ESDA Session (or at least for a possible ESDA User mailing list)
The discussion, actually further refined our focus on what we need validation on. At one level we talk about relevant ESDA tools and how they match up with specific datasets (The focus of the Tool Match group). We talked about the pain points of utilizing tools and the often needed services to prepare data so that they can be compatible with the tool. At another level we talk about ESDA techniques. These are ways of doing things that are often accommodated by specific tools.
At this point ESDA, perhaps, should focus on techniques: known and potential. And then, identify the tools, known and potential, that can perform ESDA techniques.
To Do List:
1. Finalize ESDA Definition and Goal categories
2. Write letter to ESIP Executive Committee proposing that the ESDA Definitions and Goal categories be ESIP approved
3. Characterize use cases by Goal categories and other analytics driving considerations
4. Derive requirements from #3
5. Further validate requirements with (many) more additional use cases
6. Survey existing data analytics tools/techniques
7. Write our paper describing ... all the above
Next Telecon:
June 16, 2016 ESDA Telecon XXIV
1. Tools and Techniques – Status
2. How can we best validate our work with ESDA users?
3. ESIP Summer Meeting Planning. Session Title: Earth Science Data Analytics Tools, Techniques and More (
4. Open Mic – What else should we be addressing?2. Open Mic – What else should we be addressing?
1. Steve, others to be contacted: Complete categorization of all identified ESDA tools/techniques by Data Preparation, Data Reduction, and Data Analysis, and goals. (
2. All - Come prepared to discuss how we can best validate our work with the ESDA Community
3. All - Please identify one or two multi-data researchers who would be willing to provide insights into their experiences and needs for accessing and preparing data for co-analysis of heterogeneous data.