Earth Science Data Analytics/2016-3-17 Telecon
ESDA Telecon notes – 3/17/16
Known Attendees:
ESIP Hosts (Annie Burgess, Erin Robinson), Steve Kempler, Lindsay Barberie, Chung-Lin Shie, Robert Downs, Beth Huffer, Liping Di
1. Tools and Techniques – How can we best organize the plethora of tools and techniques we have uncovered?
2. Open Mic – What else should we be addressing?
- Reviewed tools/techniques matrix
Thank you all for attending and participating in our telecon
The objective of today's telecon was to begin putting our arms around the huge number of ESDA related tools and techniques, and associate them with: 1. ESDA types, and; 2. ESDA goals. Beth made an excellent suggestion that this work may be related to efforts of the ESIP ToolMatch group (associate tools with datasets that can use the tools). Specifically, ESDA work may yield tool requirements ('rules') that a dataset needs to be made to conform to, so the dataset can be mapped to tools. That is, what structure data needs to have to be useable by tools. For example, some tools need gridded data with lat and lon. This would be very good input for ToolMatch. Post meeting notes: Monday, March 21, Steve joined the ToolMatch telecon and described collaboration ideas. We may find commonality in acquiring data users who can guide us with the datasets they use and their functionality they need, provided by tools. We also spoke about a potential hackathon at summer ESIP, but mostly, we need to better understand the progress that the other group has made. (At least, Steve does)
Back to the ESDA telecon notes, we actually did discuss the need to attract scientists/researchers/subject mater experts to validate our work…and for that matter, much ESIP work. Erin, Annie, and Bar agree, from an ESIP level and are developing a survey for ESIP member to determine the kind of potential external expertise we may need to facilitate our activities. For ESDA, we would mostly need domain experts (science and application researchers) to validate the ESDA goals, and validate and enhance the correctness of the tools/techniques that we assign to the different ESDA types and goals. The ESDA Cluster will provide questions to Erin that we would like considered for the survey.
We concluded the telecon talking about the next piece of work we have to do. That is:
Associate the tools/techniques listed in the Tool/Techniques Description Matrix:, with
1. One or more ESDA types we identified (Preparation, Reduction, Analysis) 2. One or more ESDA Goals
Both ESDA Types and Goals are described in:
Although you may not be specifically assigned, please feel free to take a look and add comments.
To Do List:
1. Finalize ESDA Definition and Goal categories
2. Write letter to ESIP Executive Committee proposing that the ESDA Definitions and Goal categories be ESIP approved
3. Characterize use cases by Goal categories and other analytics driving considerations
4. Derive requirements from #3
5. Further validate requirements with (many) more additional use cases
6. Survey existing data analytics tools/techniques
7. Write our paper describing ... all the above
Next Telecon:
March 21, 2016 ESDA Telecon XXII
1. Tools and Techniques – Status
2. How can we best validate our work with ESDA users?
3. Open Mic – What else should we be addressing?
1. Steve, others to be contacted: Complete categorization of all identified ESDA tools/techniques by Data Preparation, Data Reduction, and Data Analysis, and goals. (
2. Steve - Provide questions to Erin for possible inclusion in the ESIP survey (see above)
3. All - Come prepared to discuss how we can best validate our work with the ESDA Community
4. All - Please identify one or two multi-data researchers who would be willing to provide insights into their experiences and needs for accessing and preparing data for co-analysis of heterogeneous data.