ESIP presentation at National Air Quality Conference

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Building Information Networks for Collaborative Air Quality Communities: Efforts in ESIP and GEO

This presentation provides an overview of ongoing efforts to use and advance web information systems to create an air quality community information infrastructure for sharing data and fostering collaboration across organizations. The Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) and the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) are working to establish standards-based, web service approaches for sharing and using data for air quality science and management. The community-oriented efforts involve data collected from surface monitoring networks, satellite sensors, and aerial platforms, forecast models, and emissions inventories that are applied in multiple science and management decision contexts. One venue through which an air quality information infrastructure is evolving is the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Architecture Implementation Pilot, an international initiative to build the foundational information infrastructure for interconnecting a diverse and growing array of instruments and systems for monitoring, forecasting, and analyzing changes in the global environment. Participation in these interoperability efforts is open and new perspectives and input are invited as they are inherent to the network's success. More information can be found at and