Drupal Working Group Strategic Plan 2016
ESIP Collaboration Area Strategic Plan 2016
- Co-Chair (s): Adam Shepherd, David Bassendine
- Website (wiki): http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Drupal_Working_Group
- Monthly Meeting Day/Time: 4th Wednesday of the month at noon PT/3pm ET
- Office Hours: 2nd Wednesday of the month at noon PT/3pm ET
ESIP Vision
To be a leader in promoting the collection, stewardship and use of Earth science data, information and knowledge that are responsive to societal needs.
2015-2020 Strategic Plan Goals
- Increase the use and value of Earth science data and information.
- Strengthen the ties between observations and user communities (e.g. technologies, research, education and applications).
- Promote techniques to articulate and measure the socioeconomic value and benefit of Earth science data, information, and applications.
- Position ESIP to play a major role in Earth science issues (e.g. addressing effects of climate change mitigation, adaptation and supporting sustainable science data infrastructure).
2015-2020 Strategic Plan Executive Summary
Strategic Plan Roadmap
Collaboration Area Plan
Collaboration Area Objective:
To share knowledge and solve science-related Drupal issues through virtual and personal collaborations.
Drupal is emerging as a key framework to carry the load of online science collaboration and content. From workflows to publications, the Drupal open-source content management system can help carry science into its digital future. Join us to discuss how Drupal and science can work together!
This group is where we connect with those interested in the sciences to share our knowledge with the broader Drupal community. Our goal is to support active discussions about using Drupal in the sciences sector to support websites, enable data sharing, build tools for data science, and visualize science data in a meaningful way.
Things we may do to fulfill our objectives:
- Monthly telecons alternating between hosting outside experts focusing on a range of Drupal and wider web development topics (x5), and Open House discussions (x5).
- Plan ESIP Drupal Labs at Winter and Summer meetings, featuring a morning or afternoon of sessions and workshops for ESIP members. We consider this event similar to other DrupalCamps, and hope to open it up to a wider audience of non-ESIP members interested in Science on Drupal - but this depends on whether we can free up the time and resources to promote the event, and leverage sponsorship to reduce the cost for outside attendees to the normal level for Drupalcamps (around $30).
- Support for a local outside Drupal expert to talk at the Summer ESIP Drupal Lab in 2016. (Travel and honorarium: $500)
- Support for two ESIP Drupalers to go to DrupalCon Los Angeles 2015. The individuals will be randomly selected by the WG on the basis of need and willingness to report out at a later ESIP Drupal telecon). (Support: 2x $1500 = $3000)
- Support for five ESIP Drupalers to attend DrupalCamps in their local areas. These funds would help cover travel and lodging as registration is typically free at local Drupal camps (Support: 5x $300).
- Host a monthly Office Hours slot online for code sprints and discussion of issues outside the monthly telecon, on the second Wednesday of each month.
- Gather feedback from the ESIP community on esipfed.org sites, and pass on to the ESIP team
- Improve web and social media presence to clearly communicate the group’s existence, goals and events and increase participation, particularly in the developer community. Focus on improving existing infrastructure first (particularly the groups.drupal.org page), then consider options for other avenues (eg. www.scienceondrupal.org).
Things our collaboration area needs to deliver our objectives?
- Budget to support development
- Identify and schedule Drupal Telecon presenters
- Partnerships - provide connection to NASA Drupal group and larger drupal community.
- Preserve the drupal presentations as a resource for future use.
How will we know we are on the right track?
- Values - describe how well the working group is doing in terms of ‘living by’ its values
- Community-driven - promote ‘office hours’ time for community members to help each other out with Drupal problems and advice. Community informs telecon topics and summer lab guest speakers
- Innovative - Host topics for telecons on most recent trends in content management addressing the whole process from development & operations to technological advances for content dissemination, discovery and creation.
- Open - the group is open for both members and non-members to share and learn. This has led to partnerships with LTER Drupal group and recognition within the Drupal Association. The ESIP Summer Lab is advertised to local Drupal developers in the area.
- Participatory - Anyone can present, participate on any topic in the realm of web development.
- Performance/Quality - How the Working Group will keep an eye on the resources/measure the quality of resources, activities.
- Content Metrics - # of Summer Lab attendance, YouTube views, BoF attendance, telecon participation, office hours participation, Google+ and Drupal.org group membership
- Adoption - how many are taking working group content and applying it to their work. Recording the problems solved through the “office hours” sessions
- Relevance - How will the working group ensure that its research agenda and outputs (content and format/channel) is relevant to its core audiences
- Poll the ESIP membership
- Comparison with topics of Drupal Association events and Drupal camps
How will others know what we are doing in & out of ESIP?
Outreach to ESIP
- Monday Updates
- Engage other clusters with collaborations where Drupal can help solve problems
- Tweet ESIPFed (ESIP Drupal stream: https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=ESIPFed%20Drupal&src=typd)
- Drupalcon New Orleans drawing (http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Drupalcon_2016_NOLA)
- DrupalCamp support (http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Drupal_Camps_2016)
Beyond ESIP
- Science on Drupal - Drupal.org (https://groups.drupal.org/science-on-drupal), Twitter (https://twitter.com/ScienceOnDrupal), Google+ (https://plus.google.com/communities/105355344055119765640)
- Drupalcon New Orleans ScienceOnDrupal BoF
- YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMX9RG75MgALpwWkQTUehLPbK1miNOiny
- Telecons that invite external experts - Drupal 8 expert for Summer Meeting, Acquia (Community Engagement), NuCivic (DKAN)
Cross-collaboration area connections
(Identify other areas that you consider cross collaboration. Are there things that you need us to provide in support the cross collaboration?)