DrupalCon2012 notes
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
DrupalCON Denver 2012 – Notes by Ajinkya Kulkarni
Keynote (3/20) by Dries Buytaert : Winning the hearts and minds through innovation
- Drupal 7 grew 2.5 times faster than Drupal 6 (counted against first 10,000 installations)
- Drupal weaknesses:
- Rudimentary authoring experience
- Aging web development framework
- Small Drupal talent pool
- Not mobile friendly
- Opportunities for Drupal:
- 1.5 million Drupal sites
- 6.7% of all CMS sites use Drupal
- 30% of all sites are CMS
- 25x growth over next 5 year
- Drupal 8 : Embraces Symfony 2, Restful web services, HTML5 responsive design
- Symfony 2: Set of reusable PHP component, robust, well tested, healthy welcoming community
Keynote (3/21) by Mitchell Baker : Collaborative Development, the "Maker" Ethic and Internet Freedom
- Importance of open building blocks
- Ability to create
- Ability to participate
- Precursor to Internet freedom
- Mozilla’s mission
- Consumer products (Firefox, marketplace, open web devices)
- Web Maker (journalism, films, learners )
- Web building blocks: HTML/CSS, JSàMobileàVideoàIdentityàSocial àOpen WebAppsàWebMakes
- New technologies from Mozilla
- Boot to Gecko http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/b2g/ in partnership with Telefónica
- HTML5 Media Framework http://popcornjs.org/ ,Drupal Module: https://github.com/douglasmiller/drupal-popcorn, Demo: http://webmademovies.etherworks.ca/popcorndemo/
- Single Sign On :http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/persona/
Keynote (3/22) by Luke Wroblewski : Mobile First
- Web products should be designed for mobile first
- Designing the mobile app first forces us to strip down to essentials
- 371K babies born per day , 1.5 million mobile devices activated per day
- 6 billion mobile connections, 12 billion in 2020
- $131 M PayPal mobile payments processed in 2009, $4B in 2011
- Twitter 55% mobile users
- Pandora 70% mobile users
- Yelp 85% searches on mobile
- Facebook 50% mobile web traffic
- Reduce request and file size
- Take advantage of HTML5
- Design for speed: adaptive pre-loading
Session: Tame the Burrito: Understanding the Five Layers of Drupal
- Caching problem: Each module tries to implement its own caching mechanism
- Drupal: 5 layer stack
- Web framework (e.g. HTTP Request, Response caching, Database access )
- Building Blocks (e.g. Nodes, Fields, Views, Regions, Blocks)
- Building Tools (e.g. Field UI, Views UI, Features, Drush, Admin structure)
- Distinct Features (e.g. My Dashboard, Photo Gallery, Newsletter, Surveys, Wikis)
- Products (e.g. Drupal Garden, OpenPublic, The Grammies)
- Separate form validation logic from Drupal form validation API so that Drush, SimpleTest or installation profile can use it
Session: Native Mobile Application Development on Drupal
- Why not native?
- Titanium supports multiple devices
- Rapid Prototyping
- Why Native?
- Faster Performance
- Manage errors on side of stack
- No waiting on API update
- Development process
- Get idea on paper
- Wireframe ( Use tools: Briefs or Omnigraffle)
- Design
- Development
- Mobile Stack:
- Mobile Apps ßServices ßDrupal
- Tools:
- Drupal iOS SDK https://github.com/workhabitinc/drupal-ios-sdk
- Android Drupal APIs: Dandy https://github.com/workhabitinc/dandy
- Service log http://drupal.org/project/services_log
- Services module: use Oauth 3 legged authentication
Session: Science on Drupal
- Drupal uses in science
- Libraries
- OpenScholar
- Social science
- Drupal test portal driven by VIVO . VIVO is a simple CMS ,uses RDF and OWL , available as VM
- Amazon Mechanical Turk Integration
- DNA/RNA databases
- Pubic facing research showcase
- Archive & preserve data
- Medical data
- podaac.jpl.nasa.gov
Session: ESIP Commons
- Notes by Erin: https://docs.google.com/a/esipfed.org/document/d/1qCBTHuKXhorEBZ7hpyKydCEnONmPGqqhnZdVdPaYYLo/edit?pli=1
Session: Drupal Security for Coders - How to Avoid "All Your Base Are Belong To Us"
- Why care?
- Security is business
- Affects your good name
- Your site is useful for bad guys no matter if it is big or small
- Keep up to date
- Subscribe to security advisory emails
- Have a consistent method for updating your site
- Checklist:
- Other than admin do not let anyone use Full HTML or PHP filter
- Most vulnerabilities are in custom theme and templates
- Use Drupal DB APIs
- Use Drupal Form API
- In doubt? Use check_plain()
- For URL: check_url()
- For plain text: check_plain()
- For Rich text: check_markup()
- For HTML: filter_xss()
- XSS is major vulnerability, SQL injection is another
- Failure to escape user input or output
- You can do almost anything
- http://drupalsecurityreport.org/
- In DB APIs, use place holder
- XSS can happen via IMG tags
- Can run JS on 3rd party site
- Both GET and POST are vulnerable
- Form tokens or URL tokens tied to your session protect your
- When not using form API, use drupal_get_token() and drupal_valid_token(). See Flag module for example
- Dev/Themer Harmony
- User preprocess functions to provide safe variables for use in theme template
- In Drupal 7 may need to be used with render()
- JS can do XSS better than humans
- Just loading a malicious third party site can hack your Drupal account
- Use form token when there is a link to click
- Own caching can have problem: Need per use cache
- Do not use password based SSH (use key based SSH)
- Drupal 7: $query->addTag(‘node_access’);
- Drupal Modules:
- security_review
- Coder
Session: Fast flexible architecture
- Engineering axes
- Fast to run
- Low memory
- Scalability
- Modifiability
- Extensibility
- Human axes:
- Usability /UX for end users
- Understandability for developers
- Learnability for both
- Maintainability
- Command line is very powerful
- § Graphical is learnable, slows down interface
- QA axes
- Testability – ability to write test
- Verifiability – code will do what is supposed to do
- Who cares?
- Your client
- Your boss
- You in 6 months (to fix performance & scalability)
- To what extent do I care about mobile:
- Responsive design limits
- Target Audience
- Look at traffic logs, browser stats
- Responsive design is not always needed
- Hand coding is ok for site –specific
- Node reference in Drupal 5 loads all node: very bad
- Overridable by any module or by any specific site
- Do I care if operation is fast?
- Modifiability vs. performance
- Expediency vs. Modifiability
- Extensibility vs. Testability
- Extensibility vs. Understability
- Verifiability vs. Expediency
- Can’t prove PHP code is correct mathematically ( do not use for nuclear reactor)
- Your job is to balance -> what is worth my time -> write most appropriate code
- Drupal assumes everything a page -> symphony solves this problem -> serves only parts -> symphony already implemented what Drupal 8 wanted
- Put varnish & memcache at least ( Acquia cloud & Pantheon uses it)
Session: Symfony
- ‘Drupal way’ is not used in other PHP community
- Drupal is barriers to entry for developer
- Refactor towards a ‘framework’ core
- Drupal needs more standardized framework
- Synfony 2 is MIT licensed , on github
- Synfony 2 is a reusable set of standalone cohesive PHP components that solve common web development problems
- An object oriented set of classes
- Compatible with PHP 5.3 & later
- A full stack web framework
- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616 must read for PHP developer
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edge_Side_Includes
Session: Views for developer
- Views Modules
- Views slideshow module
- Views bulk operation
- Semantic view module
- Views link area module
- Display suite module
- Fences module
- Result /page summaries
- Views documentation http://api.drupal.org/api/views/groups
- Webform views integration https://github.com/derhasi/webform/tree/master/views , https://github.com/derhasi/webform/blob/master/views/webform.views.inc
Session: Drush 5
- New features
- Shell –alias
- Windows compatible installer sponsored by Microsoft
- Drush make in Drush core
- Drush Autocomplete
- Built in server
- Drush quickdrupal command
- Drush runner for Queue api
- Drush support for multi site setup
- Drush site-set command
Session: Delivering Drupal
- Everybody needs to use Jenkins: http://jenkins-ci.org/ & http://jenkins-php.org/
- Use PHP build systems : http://www.phing.info/trac/, https://github.com/indeyets/pake/wiki , https://github.com/mlively/Phake/wiki
- Try http://drupal.org/project/stage_file_proxy, http://drupal.org/project/deploy
- For code deploy http://drupal.org/project/drush_deploy
- Use PHPUnit, selenium etc
- Ruby:https://github.com/jnicklas/capybara
- http://cukes.info/
- PHP : http://behat.org/
- Vagrant: http://vagrantup.com/, http://drupal.org/project/vagrant