Documenting ISO-1 Metadata for Data Discovery
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
This table contains the metadata elements recommended for the discovery of data resources. These elements are are identified in Table F.1 of the ISO 19115-1 specification. Each of the element names is followed by an abbreviation to indicate the element obligation and max occurrence. The obligation options include M for Mandatory, O for Optional, or C for Conditional. The occurrence options are 1 or N for any number.
Metadata reference information: (O/1) (MD_Metadata.metadataIdentifier) |
Resource title: (M/1) (MD_Metadata.identificationInfo > MD_DataIdentification.citation > CI_Citation.title) |
Resource reference date: (O/N) (MD_Metadata.idenitificationInfo > MD_DataIdentification.citation > |
Resource identifier: (O/N) (MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.citation > CI_Citation.identifier>MD_Identifier) |
Resource point of contact: (O/N) (MD_Metadata.identificationInfo > MD_DataIdentification.pointOfContact > CI_Responsibility) |
Geographic location: (C) (MD_Metadata.identificationInfo > MD_DataIdentification.extent > EX_Extent.geographicElement > EX_GeographicExtent > EX_GeographicBoundingBox–or- EX_GeographicDescription) |
Resource language: (C) (MD_Metadata.identificationInfo> MD_DataIdentification.defaultLocale > PT_Locale) |
valign="top">Resource topic category: (C) (MD_Metadata.identificationInfo > MD_DataIdentification.topicCategory > MD_TopicCategoryCode) |
Spatial resolution: (O/N) (MD_Metadata.identificationInfo > MD_Identification.spatialResolution > MD_Resolution.equivalentScale MD_Resolution.distance, MD_Resolution.vertical, or MD_Resolution.angularDistance, or MD_Resolution.levelOfDetail) |
Resource type: (C) (MD_Metadata.metadataScope >MD_Scope.resourceScope) |
Resource abstract: (M/1) (MD_Metadata.identificationInfo > MD_DataIdentification.abstract) |
Extent information for the dataset (additional): (O/N) (MD_Metadata.identificationInfo > MD_Identification.extent > EX_Extent > EX_TemporalExtent or EX_VerticalExtent) |
Resource lineage: (O/N) (MD_Metadata >resourceLineage> LI_Lineage) |
Resource on-line Link: (O/N) (MD_Metadata.identificationInfo >MD_DataIdentification.citation>CI_Citation.onlineResource>CI_OnlineResource) |
Keywords: (O/N) (MD_Metadata.identificationInfo >MD_DataIdentification> descriptiveKeywords >MD_Keywords) |
Constraints on resource access and use: (O/N) (MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification>MD_Constraints.useLimitations and/or MD_LegalConstraints and/or MD_SecurityConstraints) |
Metadata date stamp: (M/N) (MD_Metadata.dateInfo) |
Metadata point of contact: (M/N) ( > CI_Responsibility) |
This Table and content is excerpted from the ISO 19115-1 Standard.