Documentation @ ESIP Summer 2014
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Data Quality- Gilberto Vicente
Linked Open Data, Provenance, Metadata and Standards-based Services - Strategies for Discovery, Fusion and Use- Pt. 1- Karl Benedict
Linked Open Data- Pt. 2- Karl Benedict
Information exchanges and interoperability architecture- Steve Richard
CWICSmart, IDN and CWIC - The CWIC OpenSearch Best Practices - Doug Newman
Streamlining Metadata using the CMR (ECHO & ESIP)- Katie Baynes
- Tyler Stevens CMR / GCMD Metadata Quality
Design and Implementation of ISO Metadata in Science Data Products- Barry Weiss
- Ted Habermann OCDD Introduction
- Barry Weiss ISO Metadata in SMAP
- Jeff Lee / HDF(?) Product Designer
- Ed Armstrong ISO Metadata at PODAAC / GHRSST
Identifying and Assessing Best Practices in Data Quality- Ge Peng
- Ge Peng Introduction and Maturity Metrics
- Ted Habermann 19157 Introduction
- Ed Armstrong GHRSST Data Quality - Satellite / in Situ Comparisons
- Aleksandar Jelenak GSICS - Satellite Intercomparisons
<MD_HackAThon>- Anna Milan
A survey will be done asking people which section of ISO they are interested in discussing. Could be general or focused.