From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Feb 22, 2016
Attendees: Anna Milan, Matt Mayernik, Ryan Bowe
Aleksander Jelenak, Ted Habermann, Sean Gordon, John Kozimor and Lindsay Powers, The HDF Group
- Summer Meeting Sessions Ideas (submit by end of March)
- ISO Standards update - 19115-1, -3, -2, 19157 -- complete session
- Demo - ESIP Documentation Resources e.g. - screen with wiki and doc cluster can answer questions
- integrate lab, demo and wiki
- Metadata Lab - need something concrete to work on with 3-4 "problems" to solve with metadata, e.g. existing areas of incompleteness in areas of collections
- ACDD focus?
- how to document events,
- Metadata Evaluation -- integrate into lab session
- Metadata for Events Session - e.g. environmental events, NASA ESDSWG group looking at virtual collections that are all related to events, e.g. atom feeds for events, Kevin Ward creating a DB of events. events are spatio-temporal so metadata for events could be documented in ISO. an ISO Profile for Events can be the outcome of this session. e.g. codelists, keywords... Human events ontology, e.g. concerts
- events for instruments in 19115-2
- ACDD Session - one of the metadata problems?
- v1.3 NetCDF Templates in NCEI-MD are updated.
- Next Generation of ACDD.
- ACDD and HDF capabilities.
Is there anything related to the Big Data theme? e.g. Big Metadata? There will be a session at HDF Day? that talks about ISO in HDF
-- software processing that outputs wiki page - could be included in ESIP wiki session -- help desk?
- EMMA overview - (AMilan)
- discussion about JSON and XML