Discovery Telecon 2016-10-11
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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- Tuesday, October 11th, 2016. 4:00pm ET / 1:00pm PT
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You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (224) 501-3312 Access Code: 131-281-357
- David Neufeld
- Doug Newman
- Bruce Caron
- Chris Lynnes
- Yonsook Enloe
Pending Actions
- Review draft Mission Statement for Search Relevancy:
- Discussion of LucidWorks talk and implications for Discovery
- Discuss upcoming meeting topics and speakers
- ESRI and OpenSearch Best Practices status
- CMR OpenSearch Status
- Reviewed, discussed search relevancy mission statement
- Background on NASA status related user analytics
- Capture collection to granule search event
- Want to track adding to shopping cart (downloads, orders)
- EarthData Search - is open source via github
- CMR going through process to be released to open source - Closure
- OneStop is available via github - Groovy
- CMR OpenSeach google doc is available for review
- Demo by Doug of some cool new natual language processing capabilities in Earth Data Search
- Doug to look at discovery performance metrics with ESDS team
- Doug to check in on NLP technology used in CMR
- Dave to identify OneStop show and tell for next month meeting (may include our initial metrics)
- Dave to add agenda item on Call for ESIP Winter Session topics for discovery