Discovery Telecon 2016-09-13
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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- Tuesday, September 13th, 2016. 4:00pm ET / 1:00pm PT
Goto Meeting Link:
You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (224) 501-3312 Access Code: 131-281-357
- Doug Newman
- David Neufeld
- Sam Silva
- Grace Peng
- Annie Burgess
Pending Actions
- ESRI and Open Search Best Practices - Sam, In Progress.
- Re-visit NCEI geoportal server OpenSearch capabilities using CWICSmart OpenSearch Client - Sam, Yuanjie Li, In Progress
- Finalize OpenSearch Best Practices document
- Welcome Dave Neufeld as Discovery Cluster co-chair
- Formalizing a mission statement on search relevancy.
- Search relevancy and discovery governance process.
- ESRI and OpenSearch Best Practices status
- CMR OpenSearch Status
- Welcome Dave Neufeld
- Mission Statement for Search Relevancy.
- Clarify how OneStop (NOAA), Earth Science Data Systems Working Group (ESDSWG NASA), and Discovery Cluster (ESIP) have differing roles and can work together
- Possible outcomes for Discovery Cluster
- Search relevancy potential indicies
- Spatial relevancy - difficult
- NLP of Scientific Literature see how often datasets are cited
- Logging of dataset access to feed into popularity indicies
- Sam Silva
- Contact ESRI re: Discovery Cluster OpenSearch Best Practices
- Share GotoMeeting setup / administration information with Dave N.
- Annie Burgess
- Post best practice document and make available for 30 day comment period via google docs.
- Doug Newman, Sam Silva, Dave Neufeld
- Solicit and confirm participation from an ESDSWG member to share input on potential areas of focus for search relevancy discussion.
- Dave Neufeld
- Draft the beginning of a mission statement for discovery cluster on search relevancy for review and discussion at next meeting