Discovery Telecon 2012-12-11
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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- Tuesday, December 11. 4:00pm ET / 1:00pm PT
- Chris Lynnes
- Hook Hua
- Ruth Duerr
- Christine White
- Eric Rozell
- Nga Chung
- Thomas Huang
- Erin Robinson
- Kathleen "Katie" Baynes
- Aleksandar Jelenak
Action Items
- Everyone: think of different slices that would be useful subgroups to focus on for grand challenges.
- Hook: send out email at end of week to solicit contributions to implementation lists
Previous Action Items
- Christine to investigate adding opensearch endpoint to discovery geoportal and document the how-to; would be nice for the ESIP Winter Meeting session
- Winter Meeting Planning
- Feature Set Tracking for Discovery Implementations
Winter Meeting Planning
- Discovery Grand Challenges
- Should this be intermediate or beginner?
- Level doesn't usually deter people
- Is the cluster ready for another big scale grand challenge? What about a smaller challenges?
- Grand challenges could be borrowed from EarthCube or ESC challenges.
- Should be very general, avoid groupthink / things we already know…
- Need to pay attention to room layout, for something collaborative, avoid the audience type setting.
- What's the attendance level? Comparable or smaller at the winter meeting.
- How is this going to be run?
- e.g., Charette - split up groups, then exchange ideas between groups…
- 5 - min intro…
- Slips of paper / titanpad, give 10 minutes of quiet time to come up with ideas, then discuss ideas in group. With too many people this would not work
- EarthCube charettes had good prep work (wiki pages ready for contributions)
- Should the documents have topics of discussion?
- "Grand challenge from the point of view of a … (e.g., end-user, data system, etc.)"
- Use perspectives rather than topics…
- Charette is two-phases… could do phase one at the meeting then do phase two at a telecon…
- May lose momentum if you wait for the next telecon for phase 2…
- 15 minutes for context setting, 45 minutes for brainstorming, 30 minutes for grouping
- Draw connections between all ideas rather than cluster the ideas (think, "network diagram" instead of "clusters").
- Use Google docs to share, or wiki pages
- Someone familiar with Discovery related technologies should scribe
- Usually more people at the sessions than call-ins for monthly telecoms
- Ask for volunteers when they are there
- How should the groups form?
- Counting off…
- What is the end goal? A set of use cases? Anything actionable?
- Something that looks like a precursor to a use case
- Use these for something more in depth like a summer hack-a-thon
- Theme of the meeting is around climate assessment, may lead to more end-users
- Action: think of different slices that would be useful subdivisions to focus on for grand challenges.
- Should this be intermediate or beginner?
- Planning Session
- Develop a task lisk
- Figure out what to do next with the Brainstorming results
- May get more people attending grand challenge session b/c only competing session is business meeting (which, historically, has higher attendance)
- Need to develop an approach to following up on ideas
- THings to volunteer for:
- Follow up on charette
- DCPs
- Feature set tracking
- What next with GeoPortal
- How to configure the GeoPortal is in a separate section
- Validation, which is important for the coming RFC
- Should the planning session come before the grand challenges session?
- Brainstorming will happen during planning
- Get rid of details in planning session, more broader concepts in the brainstorming session
Feature Set Tracking for Discovery Implementations
- RFC Document
- Implementation Spreadsheet
- One of the reqs of a W3C spec is at least two implementations
- Create spreadsheets where rows represent implementations and columns rep. features (and the degree to which features are supported for given imp.)
- Hook converted RFC sections to columns in the spreadsheet
- With volunteered info in spreadsheet, can get an idea which features are most important (and what should remain in spec.)
- Spreadsheet only has coverage for services
- Need to create a tab for clients
- The spreadsheet replace the wiki page
- Useful for implementers as well as users
- Will need to fix the wiki from this spreadsheet
- What's the content of the columns? Yes, No, Maybe
- Recursive endpoints can be covered in a single implementation row
- Get volunteer to update client worksheet / implementation list
- Get a few samples on the implementation spreadsheets, then send out to the community as stand-alone thread
- Leave extensions out for now…