Discovery Telecon 2012-04-10

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Discovery Telecon


  • Chris Lynnes
  • Hook Hua
  • Christine White
  • Eric Rozell
  • Thomas Huang
  • Nga Chung
  • Ruth Duerr

Action Items

  • Anyone: Add your OpenSearch service to the list of servers!
  • Chris: Put out poll for DCP-4 at the end of the meeting
  • Ruth: Write up NSIDCs solution for valid parameter values for DCP-5
  • More detailed planning for the hack-a-thon (logistics/follow-up/etc.)
  • Think about offering a VM that people can use to deploy Discovery technologies

Previous Action Items

  • Chris or Hook will deprecate DCP-2 and DCP-3 on DCP page
  • Brian will work on generalized version of DCP-4 (Pedro will contribute examples for WxS)
  • Chris will send out Doodle poll for DCP-4
  • James will update examples for DCP-4 with details and additional examples (also include all the different OPeNDAP MIME types) (also, try to use real links) (also put an example with a "length" attribute)
  • All review DCP-6 if interested (only a few hours left!)
  • Hook will continue to tweak DCP-7 before voting

Planning for the ESIP Summer Meeting

  • Not necessarily bad for Discovery to have limited sessions
    • We don't need as much planning,better to integrate across sessions
  • Need to collect participants at the Discovery cluster meetings
  • Try to gauge what people are interested in through polling
  • Get the code written during the hack-a-thon to become "community property"
    • Could use GitHub
    • Have slides showing how to checkout/checkin code

Brokering and Beyond - A glimpse at the Future of Global Data Sharing

  • Related to Discovery (overview of the concept of brokering)
  • More closely aligned with ESC

Discovery Hack-a-Thon

  • Done a lot of work deploying services and working on standards
  • Last "missing link" is how to enable more clients to actually use services
  • Presenting a few "low-hanging fruit" ways of accessing services
    • Shell script w/ wget/curl
    • XSLT
  • Idea is to show people how easy it is to access discovery services
  • Ruth: Could it also be about the server-side? What about: "This is all you have to do to service-cast your data"
  • Would also include time for the testbed.
    • Want people tinkering with the testbed
  • Need to have mentors / teachers for each area
    • Should there be a Perl area, Python area, CSS/XSLT, etc.
  • Designate some points of contact for after the session
  • Put together a resources page for each "dialect" of the hack-a-thon
    • Also can throw together a presentation for each
    • Ideally, people would be able to bring something home with them
  • Ruth could mentor for NSIDC's services / casting tools (at the simple level)
  • Email list if you have an OpenSearch service you want to develop clients for
  • Thomas could mentor Python
  • Some would want to see more "enterprise-level" clients, like Java
  • Could give a Groovy example for Java developers
  • Best if there were multiple services to test clients on
    • Revisit / update the list of OpenSearch services

Metadata Casting for Data, Services, & Events/Topics

  • Talking about casting standards

Open Source Software evaluation - ESRI's Geoportal Usability Test

  • Some discussion of OpenSearch when reporting usability

Discovery Planning Session - Need to be added?

  • Can this be merged with Brian's Metadata Casting?
  • Could do a planning meeting on a telecon
  • A lot of the things we are doing for Discovery are overlapping with ESC

ESIP Testbed: Encouraging Technology Innovation for Earth Science

  • There will be an update from ESRI on discovery testbed performance

Update on DCPs



  • Is Ruth's group interested in writing DCP-5?
    • Ruth's not sure that someone is writing this up
  • Since there are no better ideas, Ruth will write up NSIDCs solution to this


  • This DCP only got 5 votes.
  • Chris could have sent out more nag messages


  • Hook says this is ready for vote
  • Hook will be posting the link to the poll
  • Polls should be posted on the cluster announcement page


  • Brian's generalization of the OPeNDAP links (DCP-4)
  • Not sure when this will be done

Discovery Testbed

Amazon Testbed

  • Testbed might be available through Amazon
  • There isn't a specific way to deploying a testbed
    • Erin was happy to have ESRI be the guinea pigs for deploying a testbed
  • Will be setting up a vanilla GeoPortal on Amazon
  • Some outstanding questions:
    • How much does it cost?
    • How to give people access / logins?
    • ....

Contributing to GeoPortal

  • The way to test use cases is to submit services to the GeoPortal
  • There were people interested in developing
    • Products and Services team suggested GitHub for SCM
    • Speak up soon if you don't like GitHub!
    • Procedure: Post changes to GitHub and ESRI will test this
  • Looking for people willing to test GeoPortal and report bugs / things they don't like
  • Looking for people willing to document
  • Send Christine your URLs to OpenSearch and data/service casts
  • GeoPortal has various roles
    • need to identify people to approve content
    • a technical PoC for Amazon problems

GeoPortal in Summer Meeting

  • GeoPortal may be relevant to Chris Mattmann's open source sessions
    • reply to Chris's request for presentations
  • Talk to Steve Brody for information about the broker session
  • There may be a "GeoPortal corner" at the Discovery Hack-a-Thon
    • Dedicating 25 minutes may not be possible
  • ESRI can get a list of Discovery services from the same page being used for the Hack-a-Thon

"Relax NG" Validator Service

  • Brian is not on the telecon, so this is being pushed to the next telecon