Discovery Telecon 2011-08-09
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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- Tuesday, August 9, 2011. 4:00pm ET / 1:00pm PT
- WebEx Info:
- Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-877-669-3239
- Attendee access code: 231 407 50
- To start the online portion of the Personal Conference meeting , go to
Action Items
- Erin: Determine if EAGER funding could be granted at ESIP level
- Ruth: Start wiki page for whitepaper outline (assign sections if appropriate)
- All interested: Claim sections of whitepaper from outline
Discovery Cluster white paper for the NSF EarthCube program
- NSF Earth Cube program
- "NSF seeks transformative concepts and approaches to create integrated data management infrastructures across the Geosciences. In a new partnership, the Geosciences Directorate (GEO) and the Office of Cyberinfrastructure (OCI) recognize the multifaceted challenges of modern, data-intensive science and education and envision an environment where low adoption thresholds and new capabilities act together to greatly increase the productivity and capability of researchers and educators working at the frontiers of Earth system science."
- Earth Cube Webinar on July 11, 2011 (Powerpoint presentation)
- "A need to transform the conduct of science and education over the next decade"
- "NSF seeks transformative concepts and approaches to create a sustained, integrated data management infrastructure spanning the Geosciences."
- Ruth Duer on a proposal for the Discovery Cluster to write a white paper for the NSF Earth Cube program.
- In fall time, NSF will hold a charrette (community-driven meeting) where white papers and ideas from community will be discussed and selected. winners will be on track for NSF Eager Grants (grants that don't need peer-review. ~$300K/year. no formal budget). these grants begin 2 weeks later. 6-months later, down-select for projects to be funded $2M/year.
- NSF is looking for technical interoperability and governance model. They are also looking for a broad group of organizations to participate.
- A good opportunity to get ESIP on NSF radar
- a short white paper on Discovery cluster topics may be useful. 2-3 pages.
- show a technology path and governance path going forward. how to expand to a broader community.
- they are looking for a community-based proposal.
- how to broaden the adoption of Discovery, exploring next steps (i.e. faceted search, semantics)
- include interoperability moving to interworkability for collaboration
- we have the beginnings of a framework they are talking about, and the governance aspect.
- discuss how this work will lead into development of Earth Science Collaboratory
- Time frame: October 2011 (expected date of charrettes)
- Historical note that the ESIP effort on DataNet didn't go anywhere.
- Ruth to coordinate effort for Discovery Cluster white paper.
- People interested in contributing: Ruth, Chris, Hook, Bob, Eric
- White paper to be on the ESIP wiki to facilitate transparency. something to highlight as a unique aspect of ESIP.
Handle alternate service/data links in granule-level Discovery responses
- Brian Wilson has some ideas.
- A counter-proposal to DCP-2?
- Currently have rel and type attributes in response.
- "rel" relation for generic purposes for links.
- "type" attribute for mime-type.
- Should there be a third describing more detailed service/data links that also contain version?
- Should reserve "rel" link for general service relation.
- For example, OPeNDAP should be in rel=data link, but need a third link tag.
- Solutions should pass the W3C Feed Validation Service
- Space-separated rel is possible but convoluted.
- Possible ideas:
- Original DCP-2 idea: rel attribute value of
- "rel" could be dereferencible URI. but is fragile.
- Could leverage the fragment part of the URI
- Use space-delimitation in "rel" URI
- Define third attribute, with appropriate namespace.
- As long as using namespaced attribute, it does not break in the W3C Feed Validation Service.
- Chris Lynnes (NASA GSFC)
- Ruth Duer (NSIDC)
- Erin Robinson (ESIP)
- Bill Sontag (EPA)
- Brian Wilson (NASA JPL)
- Eric Rozell (RPI, Discovery Cluster Fellow)
- Hook Hua (NASA JPL)
- Matt Cechini (NASA ECHO)