Discovery OpenSearch Services
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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WSNEWS OpenSearch (JPL)
- Description: Provides spatial + temporal + free-text search on collections and granules for merged A-Train datasets from the NASA Energy and Water cycle Study (NEWS). Includes searches on Level 2, Level 3 time-averaged, and Level 3Q clustered summaries.
- Entry Dataset-level OSDD:
- Sample Granule-level search:,-90,180,90&datetimestart=2000-01-1T00:00:00Z&datetimeend=2010-01-1T00:00:00Z&startindex=0&itemsperpage=10&format=atom
- Compliance: ESIP Federated Search 1.0. awaiting ESIP Discovery 1.1 specification.
- More info:
Mirador (GES DISC)
- Description: Mirador provides dataset and granule level searching for all archived holdings, covering a mostly satellite data over a range of disciplines including precipitation, atmospheric composition, and atmospheric dynamics.
- Entry Dataset-level OSDD:
- Sample Granule-level search:
- Compliance: ESIP Federated Search, version 1.0.
- More info: Mirador is also the main search interface for GES DISC data. Development is underway on an experimental cross-data center search based on ESIP Federated Search conventions.
(OpenSearch through Searchlight @ NSIDC)
- Description: NSIDC's Searchlight system provides data set level searching for any data within our Searchlight system, and granule level searching for 6 data sets supported by the Services for Analysis of the Greenland Environment (SAGE) ACCESS project.
- Entry Dataset-level OSDD:
- Sample Granule-level search:,100,20,100,20,110,10,110,10,100&dtstart=1987-09-01&dtend=1987-10-01
- Compliance: ESIP Federated Search, version 1.0, though it should be noted that additional data set specific parameters, described in the OSDD for each data set can also be used (as in the example above).
- More info: [ lists web service API's available from NSIDC (and their associated feeds).
OpenSearch Services (@ GHRC)
- Description: The GHRC supports the OpenSearch API for the repositories passive microwave (and other) datasets.
- Entry Dataset-level OSDD:
- Sample Granule-level search:,25,-66,54&from=2009-01-01T00:00:00Z&thru=2009-01-31T23:59:59Z&format=atom
- Compliance: ESIP Federated Search, version 1.0.
- More info:
ECHO OpenSearch (ECHO)
- Description: An OpenSearch API that searches through all ECHO holdings
- Entry Dataset-level OSDD: - submit a client ID to obtain your OSDD
- Sample Granule-level search:
- Compliance: ESIP Federated Search, version 1.0, OGC OpenSearch, CEOS and CWIC Best Practices
PO.DAAC Oceanographic Common Search Interface (JPL PO.DAAC)
- Description: The Oceanographic Common Search Interface (OCSI) provides dataset and granule level search and metadata retrieval for all data holdings within PO.DAAC.
- Entry Dataset-level OSDD:
- Sample Granule-level search:,-45,160,45&startTime=2012-06-01T00:00:00Z&endTime=2012-06-07T23:59:59Z
- Compliance: ESIP Federated Search 1.1.
- More info:
Add yours too. Follow the template here: OpenSearch Service Name (Institution name)
- Description:
- Entry Dataset-level OSDD:
- Sample Granule-level search:
- Compliance:
- More info: