Disaster Management

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Disaster Management Breakout/January 2006 Flow Chart Notes

Specific Example Ideas: Hurricane Katrina

Disaster Types: Hurricanes & Typhoons Nuclear Disaster Tornados Environmental Floods/Droughts Dust Storms Fires Terrorists Earthquakes Algal Blooms Volcanos Blizzards Tsunami Global Warming Mudslides Toxic Hazards


Pre-disaster Monitoring – Short Term: Weather measurements *Satellite/in-situ Modeling

Pre-disaster Monitoring – Long Term: Preparedness/mitigation Evacuation Routes DEM/Geologic Composition *USGS/JPL - Ken Hurst Public Awareness *SEPAC – Lynn Seirup/Dave Jones Education for disaster managers *EDU Comm./PDC – Dave Jones Zoning/building codes Emergency Shelters

Communications/local: Info to decision makers *GeoLogics – Sue Heinz *Pacific Disaster – Chris Chiesa/Dave Jones EDU Comm. *Costal Services Center – Margaret Davidson/Dave Jones/Tamara Ledley Info to public Coordination between emergency management and media During Hurricane: Remote sensing data *Ingest to models, which feed into decision systems Accurately model hurricane Model impact along path *Dave Jones

ID key groups we need to engage

What is the Capability on computer to allow decision makers to make knowledgeable decisions? *Desire on part of EPA

Recovery: Long-term impacts *Jim Closs Remote sensing data Interpretation of RS data to assess extent/amount of damage *Alaska Satellite Facility/Don Atwood

Weather Measurements: High Resolution SST – *GeoLogics/ Sue Heinz All weather remote sensing satellite *Discover-NSIDC/Mike Goodman *DAAC Alliance/Jeanne Behnke, Manager of DAAC managers: Langley DAAC Goddard DAAC JPL-PD DAAC GHRC GPS Atmosphere Occultation *GENESIS/Tom Yunck

Modeling: WRF-FRGCM *Tom Yunck *Michael Goodman *Cecelia Deluca @ NCAR

Educational Products: NMS – Bruce Caron Earth Update – Pat Reiff Teach the Earth – SERC – Cathy Manduca/Tamara Ledley Second GCMD – Hurricanes

Like to have capability – post disaster for emergency

Moving Forward: Next week: What areas of Disaster Management can your ESIP contribute to? *email Vince Ambrosia – vambrosia@mail.arc.nasa.gov Distribute notes Create a list serve *large group attending breakout *Hurricane Team Group–In the case of a disaster before next meeting, we agree to telecom and brainstorm response.