Dec 15
Decisions telecon Dec 15, 2009
Present: Rob Raskin (JPL) Greg Foti (JPL), Brian Rogan (Federation), Ana Prados (GSFC), Chris Lenhardt (ORNL), Carol Meyer (Federation), Alex DeSherbinin (CIESIN), Ed Armstrong (JPL)
The focus of the telecon was to discuss the winter meeting agenda for the track.
The first Decisions Panel on Tues morning consists of Mary Kicza (NOAA/NESDIS Assistant Administrator), Mike Freilich (NASA Earth Science Division Director), Pai-Yei Whung, (EPA Chief Scientist), and Bryant Cramer (USGS Associate Director for Geography) . The second Panel features more hands-on decision makers. For the afternoon breakout, Molly Macauley and Lawrence Friedl will give opening talks. One of the six slots is still open. Ana volunteered to contact a speaker from the second morning Panel to help fill this gap.
Wednesday afternoon will include numerous technology demos. Seven of these slots have been filled, but other slots are still open. Ed Armstrong volunteered to fill one with a demo.
Thursday starts with a Cluster Meeting, where a new Cluster Chair will be selected. Then at 10am is a joint session combining all of the breakout groups (air, water, climate literacy, and Preservation/Stewardship). Each group will present a ten-minute overview to address the various dimensions of decision-making specific to that application. Decision-making will go first, prior to the other breakout overviews. After the overviews have been presented, we will return to breakouts (potentially adding other application areas not already represented, such as disaster mgmt). There needs to be structure (a template) for the breakouts to work from. We can brainstorm over the first two days and during the Cluster Meeting to help define this structure. We also should use the wiki and/or e-mail to identify ideas for the questions we would like the other breakouts to address during their hour session. Get the any meeting information for the final packet (e.g. session descriptions) posted or sent to Brian by December 28th.
We will close with a wrap-up to address: How can the Federation help the decision makers make better decisions? What metrics are available both for making quality decisions and for integrating Federation data and services. What comes out of this meeting will help guide the Cluster in the future. It would be good know how the application groups develop user strategies. The results from the meeting could be published as a white paper. Brian will help with note-taking but will have other commitments.