Data Systems Architecture

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

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Data Systems Architecture

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Comments from Data Summit Workshop

Assumptions about the current constellation of systems

Our current constellation of systems is not well characterized. There is significant overlap in systems performing identical functions. Some of this is healthy diversity and some of redundancy. We do not always know which is which. This is depicted in Fig 2.

Current System Landscape.png
Figure 2 Current System Landscape

Figure 3 sketches the opportunity space (see Rudy’s diagrams with same concept) we are discussing:
Opportunity Space.png
Figure 3

Key attributes of this picture are:

  • Fewer (but not zero) overlaps of functionality at the “data” side of the value chain. Duplications that exist are known to the community. They can serve many functions: collaboration, competition, innovation, etc.
  • Greater diversity of applications (or “virtual applications) as one gets closer to the user.
  • Standard (blue line) interconnections between systems, these interconnections are, as far as possible standardized across the chain, and lower the overhead of connection
  • Improved feedback (red dashed lines) through purposeful design of “community”. Some institutional methods to support improved communication back to upstream partners.

The opportunity space identified requires design. Under the current set of incentives and guidance’s it will probably not reach critical mass. Under a different set of incentives and guidance’s there is great potential for it to be built/evolved/grown.

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