Data Management Training/meeting notes 20161006
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Present: David Bassendine, JC Nelson, Tamar Norkin, Leslie Hsu, Amber Budden, Sophie Hou, Matt Mayernik, Nancy Hoebelheinrich (did I forget anyone?)
Link to recording: See: Log in as a guest; search for sessions beginning with the string "DMTClear" Guest login =, pw=Earth111 or Contact ESIP staff for help (
Action Items:
- Finish moving Clearinghouse test site to live site
- Add more content to the Clearinghouse
- Draft & finalize Clearinghouse final report
- Investigate options for funding desired enhancements & marketing of the Clearinghouse site
- Submit session proposals to ESIP Winter meeting in January 2017
- Begin planning for contributing to discussions on establishing Core Skills for Data Professionals
- Tour of DMT Clearinghouse live site ( )
- Next steps for the Clearinghouse:
- Invitation to submit content!
- Perhaps authors of ESIP modules could submit their own and also review their modules to see if they need to be updated or deprecated?
- Other sources of learning resources to include?
- Planning for public release, marketing and outreach
- Report out to ESIP Data Stewardship call on Monday, October 17th
- Announcement to ESIP –All
- Others?
- Thoughts about going for more funding to enhance the site
- Invitation to submit content!
- Planning for ESIP Winter sessions (deadline for submissions is Monday, October 31st)
- Interest in pursuing the development of Core Skills for Data Professionals
- Reports from other groups?
Tour of DMT Clearinghouse:
- To look at full site, you will need an esip account to be able to see the full site; otherwise, you can only see the Search, Browse & Submission pages). If you have trouble getting in, please email David Bassendine at [[1]] .
- Still some issues to complete the move from the test site to the live site that should be taken care of shortly:
- Full description view of the metadata has been changed to group together different kinds of metadata & make the display more easily readable.
- Still need to add logos for USGS, DataONE & ESIP, probably to the About page, but this may be out of scope for this phase.
- Information has been added to the FAQ page under the Help dropdown menu; feedback on the text of both the questions and the answers is requested along with suggestions of other questions / answers as they occur to people.
- Information to be added to the Help on Content Submission page still needs to be added, but will await more feedback from other content submitters. (Please suggest topics if you think of any.)
- More content needs to be entered from ESIP’s Short Course, and from USGS
- Both Tamar & Nancy are planning to ask others to input content for learning resources in order to distribute the work, but also to get more feedback on the submission form
Next steps for Clearinghouse:
- The goal is to announce the live site to the ESIP Data Stewardship Committee at the report on the Clearinghouse scheduled for October 17th, and then announce to the full ESIP community that same week.
- Final report is due by October 21st, so we’d like to have as much content and feedback as possible by then (although the report can also be updated on the USGS CDI website).
- Marketing & Outreach:
- Add to ESIP Home page as direct link (instead of / in addition to the direct link to the ESIP Short Course page)? Perhaps through the Quick Links / Key ESIP Outputs link?
- Send note out to ESIP-All; ESIP twitter account; Data Blog (Rebecca Fowler)
- Session at ESIP Winter meeting
- DataONE:
- Has a quarterly newsletter where the Clearinghouse could be announced; next issue is December
- Can announce on the DataONE website
- Can announce on the website, send out blog posts with screen shots, come to a CDI meeting; perhaps presentations at the next CDI conference
- Conferences: (Nancy to set up a page for sharing suggestions about upcoming conferences, who is going or would be interested in going)
- Regional and national librarian meetings such as Midwest Librarian’s meeting coming up (Sophie to send information about)
- Data Librarians’ group has meetings where a presentation could be made (Matt to find out more about next meetings & send to us)
- Open Repositories 2017 – presentation proposal ;
- 12th International Digital Curation Conference: demo proposal (Sophie is going anyway, hopefully)
- Workshops:
- Pull together a demo / hackfest-like event where knowledgeable team members could come together to look for content to add (scour the web) and identify issues with the current scope, submission form, crowd-sourcing approach, what to do next technologically.
- Could be either part of a CDI proposal and/or an ESIP Testbed proposal
- More funding?
- There is precedent for projects to get 2 years’ funding, especially if the topic is of concern to the CDI community; worth applying
- Emphasis would need to be on enhancements, but there are features we wanted to provide that we were not able to do; could include those.
- Also the possibility of working toward a collaborative approach on Taxonomy building in conjunction with NCEAS, Data Carpentry; we’re following up on that anyway; would need to figure out whether this would enhance in some way; could also be a way to expand the collaboration to other groups such as the RDA Data Management group, CENDI, etc.
- Will need to find a USGS PI; Nancy to follow up with Tamar on that.
- Might also be a possibility to go for ESIP Testbed Funding; perhaps to hold the Workshop described above; would need to find a project lead for that to put in the proposal.
- There is precedent for projects to get 2 years’ funding, especially if the topic is of concern to the CDI community; worth applying
ESIP Winter Sessions
- Deadline for submissions is October 21st; ideas?
- Session on DMT Clearinghouse; others?
Interest in developing Core Skills for Data Professionals
- There is interest in pursuing the development of a Core Skills specification in a number of areas including:
- Wade Bishop, University of Tennessee Library & Info School
- CENDI ( Data Curation Working Group that is working across federal agencies to start discussing/highlighting/aligning data practices in support of the Holdren memo directions;
- The DoT has been tasked with putting together a curriculum for data management targeted at people across government agencies who need to ramp up on data management. Contact for both of the above (CENDI & DoT) is Leighton Christiansen. Intros came from Lynn Yarmey; thanks Lynn!
- RDA/US Education initiative that just did a landscape review on data education and wrote a report/spreadsheet on the findings. Contact is Amy Nurnberger
- AGU?
- Other groups / literature done on the topic? E.g., papers / articles from Matt Mayernik & others; Matt will send links to work that has already been done on the topic
- Sophie interested in pursuing too; If others are interested, let us know!
- We’re contemplating getting a workshop together with key people to brainstorm needed skills, sponsored by ESIP and other organizations possibly for Spring of next year. May need to find some more funding for that too.