Data Management Training/meeting notes 20160329
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Planning for Clearinghouse Project
Attendees: Erin Robinson, JC Nelson, Tamar Norkin, David Bassendine, John Faundeen, Matt Mayernik, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Sophie Hou
Action Items:
- Set up a separate home page/wiki pages for the Clearinghouse project.
- Send out doodle poll to determine the next meeting time/date.
- Submit abstracts for Ignite talk and the breakout session.
- Review of funded proposal tasks, roles & timeline (See attached proposal)
- John - Also has another CDI project that was funded; however, he would be able to help, including the development of role based data management training.
- Nancy - Amber will most likely be the liaison between our project and the related efforts by DataOne.
- Matt - Would also like to be a liaison between our project and other related effort; e.g. from the University of Oxford -; as well as with other Data Librarian groups.
- Matt - Additionally, there is a spreadsheet that was started by RDA/US Education group (Nancy - Ruth will most likely be the liaison for the RDA’s activities):
- How to self-organize? Who to work on what? (referred to the five objectives on Page 10 of the full proposal)
- Technical platform (Objective 1) - David, Sophie, JC, Nancy
- Metadata (Objective 2) - John, Tamar, Sophie, Nancy
- Validation (Objective 3) - TBD
- Implementation (Objective 4) - Everyone
- Report (Objective 5) - TBD
- Possible changes in ESIP content management infrastructure
- David - On-going review will be in place to determine if the Clearinghouse project needs to have a separate content management system.
- Erin - For now, Drupal will still be used mainly to manage the content in ESIP Commons.
- Erin/Nancy - Within the next 6 months, there should not be any changes for the content management system that will affect the clearinghouse project.
- Regular communication – what’s needed / preferred
- Separate wiki page(s)?
- Sophie - Will set up a separate home page/wiki pages for the Clearinghouse project.
- Regular meeting day / time for whole organizing group?
- JC - Meeting every two weeks should be doable, especially since the first two months (April and May) might have more activities to be finalized.
- Tamar, Matt, and David concur.
- ESIP Summer Meeting working group/session?
- Nancy - We could consider the options of “Ignite talk” or “How To talk”.
- David - The “How To Talk” might be a good opportunity for us to show people how to submit a data management resource to the Clearinghouse.
- Sophie - Perhaps we could consider both an Ignite talk and a breakout session?
- Nancy, David, Tamar also like the idea.
- Who to liaison with? (ESIP, CDI, USGS generally, DataONE, others?)
- Tentative liaisons:
- ESIP - David, Nancy, and Sophie
- CDI/USGS - JC, Tamar, and John
- DataONE - Amber
- RDA - Ruth
- Data Librarians and other academic institutions - Matt
Additional Project Timeline Suggested by David:
- Wk 3/28, wk 4/4 - Discovery PT1
- PM Setup
- Information architecture, discussion
- User roles and stories, discussion
- Learning Resource field schema, discussion
- Wk 4/11 - Discovery PT2 and Initial setup
- Wireframes
- ESIP microsite setup
- Wk 4/18 - Development
- Store and display Learning Resources
- Search and Listing interface (start)
- Wk 4/25 - Development
- Search and Listing interface (complete)
- Wk 5/2 - Development
- Homepage
- Moderation workflows
- Wk 5/9 - Review and testing, contingency
- Wk 5/16 - Deployment