Data Management Training/meeting notes 20160316

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

"Planning for more role-based analysis of needed DMTtopics"

Attendees: John Faundeen, Tamar Norkin, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Sophie Hou

Action items

  • Sophie suggested using DataONE's personas (, and select/add to the personas that are also applicable to our project? Using personas would allow us to think both about roles and about organizational context, and other data lifecycle needs.
  • We will brainstorm what are the possible needs for the different areas of Data Information Literacy Competencies for the different roles / personas in our next meetings (probably 2 – 3 at a time), to see what this tells us about possible topics, and core knowledge.
  • Sophie will liaison with the UCSB librarians to continue discussions with them on developing a data management training syllabus.

Agenda and Meeting Notes

1. Identifying new DMT topics from a role-based perspective

  • John - Has produced presentation and youtube videos targeted for USGS record management liaisons. These might prove helpful to us to identify core knowledge about data management across many different domains despite being targeted toward federal records managers. The videos discussed Basic Records Management, Management of Files, Disposition of Records, and Preservation of Records, and are meant to be viewed in order. Focus is really on legal issues associated with records management, so might be helpful as we discuss legal issues related to data more broadly. Not clear whether the videos are viewable by non-feds.
  • Nancy - Jake Carlson (University Michigan) and others had received funding from Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to understand the areas of needs for data information literacy that has resulted in a number of articles, and a book that seems to provide us a good way to start our discussions. (The book is entitled “Data Information Literacy: Librarians, Data, and the Education of a New Generation of Researchers”, edited by Jake Carlson and Lisa R. Johnston, 2015. The book is published by Purdue Information Literacy Handbooks.) This work seems like it could be extended to different roles, such as librarians.
  • Sophie - The Subject librarians from University of California, Santa Barbara would be interested in collaborating with us to develop a data management training syllabus.
  • How to approach
  • Sophie - Should we try to apply the training to multiple domains?
  • Nancy - Focusing on science is a good start because this is ESIP immediate domain of interests.
  • John - USGS' effort focused on both scientists and administrators.
  • Nancy - Finding the core information that the role needs could be a first way to start. How about using the Data Information Literacy Competencies (i.e discovery & acquisition of data, databases & data formats, data conversion & interoperability, data processing & analysis, data visualization & representation, data management & organization, data quality & documentation, metadata & data description, cultures of practice, ethics & attribution, data curation & re-use, data preservation).
  • What are our goals
  • Both broaden and deepen the topics that seem important to discuss in learning resources by focusing on the approaches / questions / areas of responsibility that people might use in seeking learning resources about data management. We wouldd also like to see if we can come up with affirmation and/or expansion of the core knowledge that should be known for effective data management (expanding on what Sophie found in the study she undertook last year.)
    • Possible roles include: Principal Investigator / Research Manager; Researcher (these first two could be combined for the sake of simplicity, and be teased out later, if useful), Data Curator (i.e., a professional information professional with deep domain and data knowledge); Data Manager (the latter two also could probably be combined); Data / Subject Librarian.

2. We will discuss the following items during our next meeting on 3/30 at the same time: 8 am Pacific, 9 am Mountain, 10 am Central.

  • ESIP Summer session 2016
  • Opportunity to solicit feedback?
  • Relationship to Clearinghouse work
  • Next steps
  • Getting together for Clearinghouse planning