Data Management Training/meeting notes 20160303

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)


  • Introduction - Nancy
  • Background and Review of Data Management Training Resources Survey project - Sophie
  • Discussion - all
  • Planning for next meetings’ topics - Nancy


  • John Faundeen, Bob Downs, Tamar Norkin, Matt Mayernik, Amber Budden, Anne Basham, Shelley Stall, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Sophie Hou


  • Introduction - Nancy
  • Today’s meeting is to focused on the discussion of potential topics that we could use to develop the next training resources/formats.
  • Also, we should start considering the type of audience (e.g. data manager, scientists, etc) that we would like to address.
  • Background and Review of Data Management Training Resources Survey project - Sophie
  • Discussion - all
  • Matt - Who might be our next group of audience to target?
  • Nancy - Understanding the effectiveness of the current modules might be helpful
  • Tamar - A survey from USGS (not yet available) might allow us to have a better understanding/definition of our audience.
  • Bob - What about topics that have not yet been covered in the resources?
  • Nancy - Additional funding opportunities might allow us to create/cover these topics.
  • Nancy - In addition to reviewing the topics that had zero coverage from the comparison result, what are some of the topics that we know should be discussed based on our experience?
  • For example, teaching the professionals about data management through classroom experience?
  • Sophie - Some of the topics that have been suggested by audience who has reviewed this project:
  • How to help Subject Librarians to assist with data management (leveraging existing relationship with faculty/researchers, but not overburdening the Librarians with the added responsibilities)?
  • How to include data management tasks more naturally within the research lifecycle?
  • Roles/Responsibilities - How to encourage the scientists/researchers to complete/fulfill data management tasks?
  • Bob - is a link to the position statement that ASIST is taking toward’s the America Library Association’s accreditation requirements. Data management issues not specifically mentioned, but might have relevant information for us.
  • Nancy - Shawn Smith (FSU) shared during the previous meeting an experience of developing skillsets/expertise required for marine technician; this might be a process that we could learn from. We will ask him to discuss the process that he and his group went through at a future meeting.
  • John - USGS is trying to instill responsibilities for scientists to demonstrate good data management practices.
  • There is also a relatively new focus upon Records Management, particularly for a relatively new USGS position as a Records Liaison Professional.
  • For the 120 people needing this kind of training, there are currently 4 modules that are taken sequentially, and are focused on records management from a federal government point of view, so may not totally apply. Emphasis is more upon the legal aspects of records management.
  • Nancy - Perhaps the lessons learned from USGS’ process could be very informative regarding scientists/researchers learning process with data management?
  • Planning for next meetings’ topics - Nancy
  • Nancy - More in depth comparison?
  • Sophie - Will help in discussing with the Subject Librarians at UCSB to see how a data management training syllabus might be created for librarian liaisons to researchers/faculty members in an academic setting.
  • John - Interested in the role based discussion.
  • Nancy/Sophie/John - to continue the role based discussion; anyone who is also interested could join us as well. We’ll let everyone know and those who want to join can do so.
  • Shelley Knuth - report on RDAP 2016 conference & poster session after May 4 - 7 meeting in Atlanta, GA.