Data Management Training/meeting notes 20150903
Meeting Agenda - Data Management Training - 2015-09-03 9am PDT
Link to webex:
Passcode: 23138372
Telecon: 1-877-668-4493 Access Code: 23138372
Attendees: Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Amber Budden, Justin Goldstein, Madison Langseth, Matt Mayernik, Bob Downs, Shannon Rauch, Shelley Stall, Amanda Whitmire, Ruth Duerr, Lynn Yarmey, Sophie Hou
Agenda and Notes:
1. Brief intros / Recap / Goals based on the notes in ESIP wiki (10 min).
- a. Link to Notes:
- b. Key topics discussed during the summer: New training topics, potential funding, and authors for the next phase of the data management short course.
2. Anything to add about what’s been happening? (5 min).
- a. RDA Interest Group - Education
- i. Bob and Lynn could help in looking into joining the group.
3. Focus upon Clearinghouse concept (15 min).
- a. Brainstorming ideas - do some on call. (see notes below)
- b. Objective: create 1 pager describing who, what, why etc. for fund shopping
- i. Nancy, Sophie, Madison, Bob, and Amber will get together to start the effort.
- 1. USGS CDI - October 9th
- - Madison will help in providing the information regarding funding availability and guidance for submitting project statement.
- 2. Nancy will contact ESIP (Erin &/or Annie Burgess) up a new list to send and receive updates/information regarding the data management training activities of this group and others, and to arrange periodic teleconferences.
- 1. USGS CDI - October 9th
- i. Nancy, Sophie, Madison, Bob, and Amber will get together to start the effort.
- c. Who wants to work on that?
- i. Discussion for next call.
4. Other ideas to focus upon (15 min):
- a. Data Management Comparison Update.
- i. Consistency in the narrative.
- - Who we are and who are our audiences.
- ii. Methods to engage users of the training courses.
- - What are some of the examples of the methods that helped you learn data management?
- iii. Our approach / framework for the next phase of training topics (gap analysis)?
- i. Consistency in the narrative.
5. Regular telecon meetings? (10 mins) - Yes!
- a. If so, schedule?
- i. Likely to start with monthly meetings first and more frequent meetings with smaller groups of people, as needed.
- b. Discussion topics for next meetings (e.g., ESIP’ course outline evaluation, other topics to address in training, etc.)
- c. Who else to involve?
- i. People can sign up once the new list is made available.
Brainstorm: Data Management Training (DMT) Clearinghouse
1. What is a “Clearinghouse”?
- a. Consolidated list of different resources.
- i. Who created the resources, with what kind of topics, for what reasons, and for which audiences.
- ii. Provide short descriptions for each of the resource to distinguish the key focuses for the resources (like annotated bibliography).
- b. Including different types of data management tools.
- c. Methods for evaluating success of the data management training resources.
- i. Comparing the resources with each other.
- - CLEAN evaluation project - peer evaluation of the resources available for teaching climate and energy science. See:
- i. Comparing the resources with each other.
2. Is a DMT Clearinghouse needed? -- yes; would be useful
- a. Lots of resources out there, but no one source for information; would be useful to have even a basic database tracking DMT resources
- b. DataONE’s experience: has internal information available to put DataONE’s resources together, but this information is currently not publicly available.
3. If needed, what should a DMT Clearinghouse “do”?
- a. A curated list of data management course materials, things that would be used to teach RDM:
- i. The clearinghouse should utilize the community’s knowledge
- ii. Keeping information updated by crowd sourcing could be more effective and sustainable, especially for sustainability and relevance as practice related to data management evolves.
- iii. Links to assessments of resources so that someone looking for a resource could find out what it has worked best for in terms of topics, audiences
- b. A continually updated list of available training sessions, both live and online
- c. This is still an area of research; the education / training / librarian communities are still not sure of how best to provide the information / training needed, so we want to approach with flexibility and, probably, modularity.
- d. It would be helpful to diversify the disciplines beyond just the sciences.
- i. Even if we start with one domain as a starting point, it would be good to build in the capability to be able to scale and extend.
- ii. Very useful to look at the RDA model of providing resources / information as it is a cross-domain organization that allows flexibility and extensibility in approach rather than too narrow a focus
4. Who would be the audience?
- a. We might not need to restrict ourselves; i.e., building in the capability to scale up and expand the domains covered.
5. What organizations could / should be involved? How?
- a. COPDESS using the Open Science Framework (?) to catalog repositories, but also possibly, training resources- Kerstin Lehnert
- b. NCEAS - Matt Jones
- c. RDA
- d. ESIP Libraries collaboration area?
- e. Data carpentry (DLF) - training data librarians to be able to give trainings at their home institutions (October).
- i. Amanda is offering a 2 day workshop after DLF in October to train the trainers on offering Data Carpentry courses; She will inform Tracey Teale, Director of Data Carpentry of our efforts; NH to follow up as well.
6. What questions need to be addressed to continue our exploration?
- a. How should the clearinghouse be made available/accessible to the public?