Controlled vocabulary
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Controlled vocabulary
The IMCR Controlled Vocabulary (CV) is organized around the data life cycle and enables users to search for software according to the IM tasks they would like to perform. Each IMCR item is tagged with terms from the CV and can be recalled by first browsing the CV for terms to search, then adding these to the "Filter Software List > Keywords" field of the IMCR Portal.
The CV is in the the alpha-release stage and undergoing revision. Contact Colin ( if you have comments or questions.
Action items
- Refine the CV. Suggest new terms and definitions or refine existing ones by contacting Colin (
- Extend the CV to cover "science domain". We are searching for a science domain CV to use before considering creation of our own.
- Get software terms form Kepler ontology (Kristin is doing this).