Approved Excom Minutes/Excom 2015/May 2015
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
- Peter Fox, President
- Emily Law, Vice President
- Justin Goldstein, Chair, Data Stewardship
- Denise Hills, Nomination Committee
- Ken Keiser, Chair, C&B
- Tyler Stevens, Chair, Partnership
- Ted Habermann, Type III
- Bill Teng, Chair, Ficom
- Christine White, Chair, Products and Services
- Erin Robinson, Staff
- Annie Burgess, Staff
Executive Committee Business
- Approval of April Minutes
- Christine motioned to approve Minutes as amended and Denise seconded. The minutes were approved by acclamation.
- President's Report
- Erin will update on ESIP Budget status
- No update on the service agreement.
- DC Trip - Peter quickly reported on the DC trip. Met NOAA working level, USGS, NASA, CEQ, NOAA CIO, EPA and USGCRP. Entire trip was very positive. The meeting theme on resilience was interest, the ESIP testbed and how we might engage with NOAA CRADA.
- Executive Director Report
- Erin reported on FES Board Meeting on May 5. Most of the board meeting was on the financial picture. ESIP is a direct project of FES and is funded by NASA, NOAA and Sloan. The board elected a new treasurer and started a finance committee.
- NASA Renewal - Erin will share draft and requested input on ESIP-specific things.
- Summer Meeting 2015
- Summer Meeting Details - There was a great response to the call for sessions the agenda is coming together. Group was requested to identify conflicts.
- Plenary speakers are being invited.
- Code of Conduct - Tyler reviewed the new ESIP Code of Conduct. Please send feedback to Erin or Tyler.
- Budget Update - Finance committee is not a budget committee. We will proceed with Peter taking development of the budget for FY15. There are a few options for FY16 - ESIP Leadership (Emily, Peter), Budget Committee - change in bylaws. No decisions were made. Erin, Emily and Peter will finalize the ESIP Budget.
- Strategic Plan Update
- Workspace & Roadmap - Not a lot of action. Denise is putting together an Executive Summary; Chris took an action to review and distill information.
- Committee Reports
- Ficom - The group is going through process improvement. A new special projects proposal is in review and being returned for modifications.
- Partnership - (1) 7 new member applications have been reviewed for 30 days of notice. (2) Group is working on proposed criteria for inactive members.
- C&B - Ken pulled together all C&B list of changes over the last few years. Ken will call a C&B committee for this month.
- Data Stewardship - Several presentations: updates on trusted repositories and AMS Data Policies. Data Stewardship SF, Sophie Hou posted a blog post and she is hosting a special telecon on her research. Group is reviewing activity list.
- Education - Education picked up monthly telecons - 1pm ET, 4th Friday of the Month; Looking for presenters for the ESIP Summer Teacher Workshop. Looking for CA teachers.
- IT&I - Moved telecon time to the 2nd Thurs. We are having the NDS Labs for June IT&I.
- Nominations - No report.
- P&S - Testbed Configuration Board met in person at the end of April. The group is working on two solicitations for incubator projects and prototype assessments. Incubation RFP will come out mid May and responses are due June 15.
- Type Rep Reports
- Type I - Looking into working with the CDF to not reinvent the wheel.
- Type II - No report
- Type III - Encouraging the type III to think link a cluster.
- Other Business
- Changes in group memberships after Winter meetings are out of sync with FY. This specifically affects Ficom but could be a general issue as well.
- Need/desirability for ESIP solicitations for specific work to be done (perhaps derived from Strategic Plan)?