Approach by Rudy Husar
In preparation for tomorrows US GEOSS - ESIP meeting, below is an expansion on a previous email suggesting three technical activities:
(1) Collection and delivery of air quality-related data and processing resources through the ESIP portal. (2) Setting up a core network of data providers and connect those through loosely coupled service chaining. (3) Continuously improve the functionality of (1) and (2) through use case demonstrations.
(1) ESIP AQ Portal: Falke has taken the initiative on the ESIP AQ portal effort. He is also working on channeling content into the portal. However it would be good to develop a clearer vision on how is this to happen, so that partners (like myself) can contribute to the plan. Issues:
What is the AQ portal content? Catalog only?, Data access? Mix of both? Where is the portal content coming from? Who supplies the content and how?
Since the portal is an ESIP endeavour, it seems logical to me that the management structure is consistent with ESIP's approach. Dick Wertz's strawman outlines aspects this portal effort. I would be happy to channel some of my NASA Reason effort into helping Stefan with the automation of the distributed AQ resource catalog.
(2) AQ Network: This year Husar has pursued the facilitation of a core loosely connected AQ provider/user network. This highly experimental work is part of several broader international interoperability activities ( e.g. OGC GWS, GALEON, HTAP) seeking and Internet-like network of autonomous distributed nodes - an AQ information system of systems (with 'emergent' characteristics). Issues:
Is US GEOSS interested in such an experiment? Can/should the ESIP infrastructure (e.g. the portal), facilitate such autonomous activities?
The AQ network has emerged by the effort of its participants. Its future evolutionary path and its structure will probably continue to evolve through such an 'Architecture of Participation'. I think that it would be interesting to explore how a structured top-down management approach could be linked to this sort of 'emergent' structure. If there is a will, there is a way so we need to figure out how...
(3) Use Cases: Virtually every one we talked to emphasised that use cases and demos are extremely important at this stage of GEOSS (and ESIP). So, these should be pursued with vigor. To be expanded...