Applications focus for the UBD tool
The applications focus for the Usage Based Discovery tool
The Discovery Cluster rebranded itself under the Usage Based Discovery bandwagon at the 2020 ESIP Winter Meeting under the leadership of Chris Lynnes. This idea initially targeted NASA applications. However, sometime after 2020, NASA decided to focus UBD efforts on research articles. NASA has had great success tracking citation of NASA's data in peer reviewed research articles. However, the practice of data citation remains a challenge for many other agencies, though this is a great way to tackle the UBD issue.
The Discovery cluster would like to revisit how applications (including NASA's and other agencies like the National Weather Service, and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management) can be represented in UBD. We held a session of the Discovery Cluster focusing on Weather Service Warnings as a use case (link). BOEM's ESP Hub also serves as an example of application focused UBD (though it's only aspiring to be a UBD tool).
Use case from 2020 Hackathon Sessions (part 1, part 2):
Contributed by: Agriculture and Climate Cluster (Bill Teng and Brian Wee)
Who Am I: Flood response manager
What am I trying to do: gain situation awareness of current flood situation and potential changes pe to optimally direct resources and ensure the safety of my first responder crews.
How do I solve this problem now: I have to go to several agencies’ Web sites and search for the relevant datasets.
What do I want/need: all relevant data from ground stations, satellites, or social media (e.g., precipitation, wind, temperature, soil moisture), terrain (e.g., topography, vegetation, soils), for the wildfire location.
What would the Easy Button look like: In the field, my first responder crews can go to a single applications portal, enter their lat-lon coordinates (or use “near me”), and get access to all the relevant datasets in easy-to-use, real-time-actionable formats.