Air Quality Breakout, ESIP 2011 Winter Meeting
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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The Air Quality Workgroup will be meeting on Wednesday January 5 during the ESIP Winter Meeting.
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Access Code: 286-518-929
Meeting ID: 286-518-929
January 5, Wednesday
1:45-3:15 Eastern
Welcome, Introduction and Overview (5-minutes)
- ESIP Winter Meeting theme: Evaluating and Maximizing the Impact of Earth Science Information
New Projects
- if you have a newly funded air quality project and would like to present an overview, please add it to this list
Existing Project Networking Updates (5-min each)
- CEOS AC Portal
- HTAP Data Network
- GEOSS Air Quality Community of Practice
- AIRNow
- others (please add to this list)
Indepth Discussion Topics
- Recommendations for Air Quality Cyberinfrastructure
- Summary of recommendations generated by CyAir
- Review and feedback
(scheduled break from 3:15-3:45 Eastern)
3:45-5:15 Eastern
Indepth Discussion Topics continued
- GEO Mid-Term Evaluation
- Summary of evaluation
- Review and feedback
- GEOSS AQ Community of Practice
- New ESIP Air Quality Workgroup Chair/co-Chairs
Notes from Session
Meeting Minutes
- Introductions
- Stefan Falke
- CEOS Atmospheric Composition Portal
- Still in beta
- Different tools for the display of data and metadata
- Key activity has become interpreting and implementing standards
- Need more documentation of lessons learned from the first implementation of the standards
- Community building from an emissions standpoint
- Similar goals to ESIP
- Data scope is divided into species, sources, spatial, and temporal
- Set-up a Drupal site that provides data access tools, analysis tools, and communication about emissions.
- Hope to work on emissions ontology
- CEOS Atmospheric Composition Portal
- Rudy Husar
- HTAP Data Network
- Standardized air quality data shared over a service-oriented, loosely coupled network
- At least three layers of digital interoperability:
- The data model itself (netCDF)
- Semantic constraints on data types (CF Convention)
- The transmitted file (WCS Standard)
- Discussed WCS and WFS services
- Additional services create ISO or KML files for metadata or Google Earth
- There are pushing and pulling driving forces for data to flow from provider to user
- Provides a personal level of interoperability
- As part of the GEO AIP, the community catalog of data has been provided through the GEOSS clearinghouse by data facets
- A CoP Drupal website has been created
- GEO can help drive integrating initiatives to get other providers on board
- HTAP Data Network
- Stefan (con't)
- AIP-3 Update
- Focused on OGC sensor observation services and web processing services
- AIP-3 Update
- Terry Keating
- CyAir Briefing
- Not centrally controlled, but with a central plan that multiple groups can take part in implementing
- Looking for feedback from the air quality community and from the EPA management
- Also connects users and providers
- Found that data access is not easy
- Recommendations
- Develop a 'cookbook' on how to become more interoperable
- Hire or designate and air quality community organizer/EPA liaison
- Generate outreach and education information
- Create a cyberinfrastructure of core air quality data systems
- Create CyAir resource website
- Provide cyberinfrastrucure-building tools and resources for data providers and data users
- Develop a relatively simple governance structure and leverage other communities
- CyAir Briefing
- Yana Gevorgyan
- GEO Evaluation
- Monitoring and Evaluation Framework - provides guidelines for the decision/evaluation process
- Established an evaluation team to conduct evaluations which would begin with broad evaluations until the third evaluation, where a regular cycle would be adhered to
- Found that stakeholders are happy with GEO, glad it's there
- But, they haven't shown that they've done anything useful to the outside world (mainly users)
- It doesn't meet their needs for data, information, and tools
- Found that people think GEO co-opts projects that aren't entirely theirs
- GEO Evaluation